Ist das normal bei der Sparkasse?
Bei welcher der beiden Banken, wäre es empfehlenswerter dort sein Konto zu führen?
Hey, ich habe ne ganz wichtige frage und zwar arbeite ich und habe eine Schufa eintrag bekommen vor paar Monate kann man trotz Schufa eintrag den Deutschen Pass beantragen ?
ich mache auf tiktok viele videos und poste täglich und hab auch einige follower. seit ein paar tagen bemerke ich dass ständig irgendwelche spanische accounts unter meinen videos kommentieren. diese kommentare werden immer mehr und es sind alles unterschiedliche user. die heißen irgendwie” r48oijgalj” oder sowas. die kommentare sind auch auf spanisch und meine frage…
Hallöchennn Hab Mal nh Frage an die ganzen Kenner/”älteren” Leute hier (fühlt euch bitte nd angegriffen, hab’s jz formuliert weil ich halt noch nd volljährig bin lol) Was für eine Bank empfiehlt ihr mir um ein Konto zu erstellen (wäre mein erstes) Hatte letztens vor zur Sparkasse zu gehen, doch dann kam mir was dazwischen…
Die SMS kam grad rein…
192 Real-time transfers for 2.50 euros each?
This is actually comparatively expensive, about 50 cents are common for this. What savings bank is this about? To date, Sparkasse Hannover has been known as the top rider for a real-time transfer with 2.00 euros.
192 Real-time assignments also seem unusually much to me. What does it take?
I have an online account. Runs over my parents and I always made money to buy things online or something. I paid the money over my account. I was not aware that it was real-time transfers or the same. And I’ve always paid only 10 euros
I became 18 7 days ago and my account was changed only. Actually, I wanted to make an appointment. Now that I see it right
For comparison, I have also looked at the conditions of other savings banks from the region:
The Sparkasse Zollernalb writes “There are no additional costs for you when you make a real-time bank transfer.”
The Kreissparkasse Tuttlingen writes “The real-time transfer is already included in the price of your Sparkassen-Girokonto and is not calculated separately from us.”
The Sparkasse Hegau-Bodensee is up to 30 cents.
There are 50 cents at the Ravensburg County Savings Bank.
By contrast, the Hohenzollerische Landesbank Kreissparkasse Sigmaringen is also comparatively expensive at 1.95 euros.
Thank you I will definitely make an appointment on Monday
This savings bank is really very transparent with its terms: The price tag can only be retrieved after registration in online banking, the price/performance directory is apparently not available online at all.
On Product page for “Jugendgiro” a document “Delete information” linked, but there are no specific details in this. Apparently, this is a template for such information, but it has not been completed further.
Under is actually called a price of 2.50 euros for a real-time transfer.
For me, this falls in the overall picture into the category “deterrent example”, and I would really think twice if I wanted to become a customer at this savings bank (or stay).
Whether it’s legal, I don’t like to judge, but I think it’s morally very questionable to take advantage of the inexperience of a youthful customer in such a way and to demand from him several 100 euros for a service offered elsewhere for a fraction of the price or even for free.
Maybe you can save something in a conversation with a consultant, but I can’t guess how the odds are.
I looked in after too. And there is actually an amount of 2.50 euros under real-time transfer. But I would normally have been able to do this in the first month and then I would not have done it anymore. But since I had a youth account, they just pulled it off
The Sparkasse is the Sparkasse Pfullendorf Messkirch
What savings bank is this about?
I would like to take a look at their price and price/performance list to check whether these prices are contractually permissible for young people in an account. It can also simply be a mistake caused by the changeover.
There is no the Sparkasse. This is a combination of more than 150 independent companies, each of which has their individual tariff offer. In most cases, there are also several tariffs.
It is common to all, however, that when selecting the real-time transfer, reference is made to the cost-flight.
Yes is perfectly normal. I had
Yes, it’s normal that real-time transfers cost money.
Whether this is normal, you make 200 real-time transfers, but is another question.
This is not so much now within a year
If you’re “just” 10 months, and you don’t have to pay any money today – at least no 20 pieces per month. Unfortunately, you have to look at the fee regulations here
It’s 10 months. And if you’re on your way to EBay, it can be.
It’s obvious. It’s just uncommon that someone really needs 20+ EIGHT TIME transfers a month.
At Ebay you can hardly pay with transfers
I make about 3 to 4 real-time transfers per year (cost at my bank 0.50 €). You do it a week.
Why don’t you make normal transfers?
But not 2.50 euros. Usually 50 cents.
So far I thought the Sparkasse Hannover has been the most expensive for a real-time transfer with 2 Euros, but the Sparkasse Pfullendorf-Meßkirch has actually managed to surpass this.
This is what you have to do with the Sparkasse Demands, usually an invoice is made monthly.
Why will all transfers of the last 10 months be deducted from me, but I only have the amount of 1nem month?
Yes of course this is normal….Luxus and etxra Service is expensive.
No one needs a real-time transfer… something is unnecessary.
The money is at the receiver in 24 hours anyway….
…someone who needs it.
If you’ve done so much real-time transfer, you’re actually guilty.
You have to pay. Because you agreed to the conditions.
But I wonder why you can be so many real-time transfers?
This is something of a lack of competence in finance, because you will be told about the costs every time you make a real-time transfer.
Well, I guess you should have informed you before.
Normal is relative. There are about 400 savings banks in Germany. All have different price lists. I don’t pay for real-time transfers.
Normal. Someone likes to give his money.