Ist das normal?
Wir fahren gerade 130 km mit dem Auto und ich (M14) musste pinkeln und mein Vatta hielt an ein Rastplatz an (gab keine WCs, sondern mussten draußen pinkeln) und ich wollte pinkeln (im stehen) aber es kam nichts, obwohl ich dringend muss, hat es an der Psyche zutun?
Ev you have a shy bubble/paruesis.
Yes has to do with the psyche. Sometimes I feel like I can’t.
Sometimes you can’t if you need xD
I’ve been on a toilet more often if there’s one next to me.
Hangs with the pressure you need now.
Yeah, you can be so open without a toilet to pee. Please stop your father next time at the next stop with toilet.
Did you have the feeling that your bladder is full and you need to pee and then couldn’t at once? I don’t think this has anything to do with the psyche. Maybe you have a bladder inflammation.
Yes, it has to do with the psyche.
Google times “shy bubble”.