Ist das normal?

Immer wenn ich betrunken bin bekomme ich Heulanfälle und zwar richtig schlimme also wirklich jedes mal wenn ich was trinke. Inzwischen seit ein paar Monaten trinke ich jedes Wochenende mit Freunden und bin auch jedes mal betrunken und der abend endet für mich jedes mal damit, dass ich anfange zu weinen so stark dass meine Wimperntusche jeden morgen komplett weg ist und meine Augen ein bisschen angeschwollen sind. Also ich frage mich jetzt ob das normal ist oder irgendwie verdächtig oder so weil fühl mich dann auch echt immer sehr schlecht und ich weiß einfach nicht was los ist mit mir (bin W16)

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10 months ago

As you describe it, there is at least reason to worry, as much is certain! In the sober state (!!) you should think about what is burdening you, which always leads to “breaking out of you” under the influence of alcohol. I think it will be known to you that alcohol as a whole reduces the inhibition threshold(s). I would advise you to leave the fingers of alcohol as long as you show these symptoms (already).

10 months ago

it doesn’t matter if it’s normal, but it’s in your hand to stop these haylans, just stop drinking you, on the one hand by ending your haylans, and on the other hand it’s better for you and your health, because who is already drinking each week at the age of 16 years, is on the best way to become a “career” than alcoholic, do you want that?

10 months ago


If I read that you already drink alcohol with 16 I could cry. themes/how-alcohol-das-gehirn-junger-menscher-schaedigt/

9 months ago

Then don’t drink all those who started drinking from my former high school with 16 are today all mercilessly crashed and have only bad jobs and no friends and spouses

10 months ago

Adults do not wonder if it is normal or suspicious. When they constantly start crying, feeling bad, not knowing what’s going on with them + it’s unpleasant to them, just stop drinking.

10 months ago

Alcohol does not solve problems, it usually only makes them worse

10 months ago

Let it go! Problem solved!