Ist das noch halbwegs okay?
Ich bin 3 Kilo weg vom Untergewicht und habe zurzeit Probleme, ausreichend zu essen. Ich habe keine Lust und keinen Appetit.
Ist das besorgniserregend?
Die Windböen waren und SIND so heftig, das Menschen zu Fall kamen und Bäume entwurzelt wurden. Für wie gefährlich haltet ihr Orkantief Zeynep !? In unserem Garten wurden bereits Bäume entzwurzelt! Bild: Alexander Schwaiger
ich Habe ein ziemliches Haut Problem auf meiner Stirn, weiß jemand was das ist und was ich dagegen tun kann? und könnte das fungal akne sein ohne den Juckreiz?
Hallo, trinke bis jetzt seit mehreren monaten (8) eis tee , die sache ist das ich meistens fasst sogar gar kein “normales” wasser trinke. ist das irgendwie schädlich für mich zb auf krämpfe hab jetzt nähmlich jeden monat mindestens 1 mal einen krampf unten am bauch in der mitte. gibt es irgendwelche alternativen um Wasser…
Stress can beat the stomach and reduce appetite.
It would also be possible for an infect to begin to impair the feeling of hunger.
Maybe you eat small snacks instead of three big meals.
I’ve beaten the calories today and with chocolate after dinner I come to 1800 calories 🙂 I think that’s perfect and sufficient 🙂
Thanks for the answer and the tips!
Thanks for the star 🙂
Depends on age and whether you’re going to eat little or take diet pills or something.
If you want to have a normal weight, I would try to get used to 2-3 meals a day.
If you want to increase, just eat everything you have Bock, it will be fat rather than fit, but whether with or without training it is not so important. Normal weight should also have a reasonable fat content.
I am 25 🙂 I do not want to increase and do not lose weight, I still have 3 kilos to underweight but I do not want to lose weight 🙂 I try to eat but I am very stressed at present.
Yes in stress, that’s normal, either people eat themselves full or they eat less because they don’t think about it or the stress makes them feel less hungry.
A slight underweight is not super dramatic if otherwise all values vote.
I’ve always been so unhappy five kilos under the actual weight. Is that always the way or the latest? I don’t know myself well. Sorry. You’re gonna be a little hard to eat. However, no solution
I feel less and less like it. Food somehow overwhelms me lately 🙂
My opinion:
I don’t think this is the case with many people: my best friend also weighs much less than the average and is never so much:)
Just make sure you keep eating healthy and eating enough, even if you don’t have an appetite.
Yeah, worrying.