Ist das noch gesund?
Sorry ist ne ganz komische Frage.
Und zwar, dass ich das Verlangen hab, Heroin zu nehmen und fett in die Abhängigkeit zu rutschen.
Dazu muss ich sagen dass ich mal abhängig war, aber zum Glück nicht von Heroin und auch psychisch, nicht körperlich.
It would be unhealthy if you not only think it, but put thought into action.
I’d like to advise you to contact a consultancy instead. There you can also talk about these thoughts.
Good luck!
I’ve been to a consultancy, but I haven’t had any new appointments for ages because she wanted to report and didn’t do it.
Have no interest to go there again
It’s not healthy. For me, your situation is threatening. Please try to get away from these thoughts. Otherwise good trip.
Thank you:)
Don’t trust me. Look at Youtube’s button ” Street Life” click on popular.
Why do you have that desire? Have you ever seen the effect?
ne i was only dependent on other things and long after this feeling
Then why don’t you take these other things? A drug you don’t know?
No plan
What about heroin?
Because I don’t have the contracts anymore