ist das nicht komisch Leute zu “hassen”, obwohl man sie nicht kennt?

irgendwie hab ich voll viele “opps” gerade in der Schule einfach nur weil ich schüchtern bin lol?

Es gibt bestimmt 5 Leute, die mich nicht mögen, obwohl wir noch nicht 1x miteinander geredet haben. Ist das nicht komisch?

was wollen die hassen, wenn sie mich nicht kennen? Sind das allgemeine Hater?

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1 month ago

I was often excluded from my vocational school and other schools and did not feel comfortable

I did the girl and boys to my class nix

Wish it would be different

1 month ago

This is not a real hatred, people then just call it that, in reality, it is simply an antipathy that they then confuse with hatred because they are too immature to differentiate such things.

1 month ago

isn’t that funny to “hassen” even though you don’t know them?

That could be a mental disorder.

1 month ago

In most cases, after a few seconds, people know whether they like someone or not.

1 month ago

It’s more like your character, where you’re wrong, so they’ll make you unpopular.

1 month ago
Reply to  chicken4Wings

You just don’t notice what’s wrong with you, while many teachers know exactly. You don’t have to know. You are enough to look or act to determine your character

1 month ago

That’s what the right guy says. What it looks like you just want to attack others with the question, although the problem is with you

Children unbelievable today!

1 month ago

You don’t need to talk about me. I’ve had a lot of people who never behave as much as you describe.

How about you not consume too much internet

1 month ago

Just as many would react like me and whether I like you or not, has to do with topic nix.

I don’t know what wdym means. The question of others against you alone has to lie to you.
Simply tell dry, many people hate you for no reason is just children’s language
I’ll answer what’s standing there and if you can’t respect it, you wouldn’t have to ask that question…