Ist das möglich [Linux]?


Ich würde sehr gerne, versuchen unter Linux (Ubuntu 24.04), 4 Bildschirme zu einem großen zusammenzufassen.

Ähnlich wie bei “nvidia surround”.

Sodass ein Film sich über alle 4 im Vollbildmodus erstreckt.

Ist das möglich ?

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5 months ago
Reply to  clownfish803

I didn’t try it, but I don’t see why it shouldn’t go. I would assume that the order would look like this:

xrandr --setmonitor BigScreen auto "DisplayPort-1","HDMI-A-0","DisplayPort-2","HDMI-A-1"
5 months ago

This is a special device to treat 4 monitors like one…

5 months ago

Okay, well, have found a method, but have not tested it myself, I’ll write you a tutorial in my words, and you’ll have to tell me if it works.

  1. Install NVIDIA Driver: sudo ubuntu-drivers devices
  2. Find the version recommended for your GPU: sudo apt install nvidia-driver-
  3. restart
  4. Start NVIDIA X Server settings. (by Xfce menu or by the terminal): sudo nvidia-settings
  5. Navigate to X Server Display Configuration
  6. Select the monitors and make a 2×2 grid of your choice
  7. Activate Mosaic
  8. Save the changes and close it (Save to X Configuration File: /etc/X11/xorg.conf)

If you’ve done all this, you can try if it works.

Good luck and hopefully I could help you. :

5 months ago

I didn’t try it, but at some point I read that it can go.

Just try?