Ist das möglich?


ich kann aus verschiedenen Gründen mein Bewerbungsgespräch nicht wahrnehmen. (Hätte ich am 23 August), und muss es auf nach die Ferien (ab 12.09.) verschieben.


  1. Wird das möglich sein?
  2. Was wird der Personaler (schlimmstens) schreiben?


P.S.: Ich möchte nicht sowas wie: “Die Zeit muss man sich aber nehmen” hören, sondern ANTWORTEN auf meine Fragen. Danke!

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2 years ago

If you’ve been recruited somewhere, you’ll get the following job interviews in advance. Most of the time, a shift around a few days is possible without any problems, but for several weeks, the staffer will wonder how serious you meant your application and will certainly notice it negatively. You’ll get the chances of being accepted at all.

2 years ago

It may be possible if the operation has time. You have to judge them. Just ask. They can’t say more than no.

2 years ago

It’s the question of whether it fits them. The chance is that you can get a rejection and forget the conversation.

2 years ago

I don’t know.

That he won’t wait so long.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frager2022

Well, you have to look for something else.

2 years ago

can no one tell you exactly depends on the staff and how fast they want to occupy the place. But 3 weeks moving usually doesn’t come well, don’t think you can get the job then.