Ist das Mobbing?
Ich werde von meinen (Freunden) regelmäßig „Dreirad“ genannt (dies stört mich extrem und wenn ich frage warum sagen sie ,dass ich drei Reifen habe (was ich überhauptnicht verstehe. Meine Frage wäre nun ist dies mpbbing und was kann ich dagegen tun
“Three tires” makes me spontaneously think of a certain body filling. But no matter what the occasion is – nice is not.
However, such bullying (formerly one said in good German “handle” to it) is very difficult to avoid or dispose of in certain contexts, especially since I cannot judge how good or bad you are otherwise socially integrated.
What you can do:
I will try this
It’s more like fun.
Talk to your friends in a quiet tone, see anyone there is more relaxed, and tell them you don’t like being called “three wheel” I will hurt you.
Real friends will understand and respect this.
You give yourself the answer:
this disturbs me extremely
If you have friends, they don’t bother – on the contrary: you profit from them. You feel comfortable, you laugh a lot with them, they understand you and like you.
This does not seem to be the case with these “friends”. So stop calling her friends.
It’s strange if you call yourself that, and then wonder when they call you that.
You even signed up with the name. So I think you’re a troll.
But for your question:
Tell them you won’t find that funny anymore and let them.
It hurts me very much and I wanted to play it with my good name
in all cases, best verbal
I thought I would call her Bulette
if it helps
I’m not sure, but I want to hurt her just as she likes me
It’s just stupid. Find other friends.
People can talk.
He already did, there was no explanation.
They mean you got a bike.
So think you’re stupid.