ist das menschliche Leben bedeutungslos?

Geschätzt 1 Billion Galaxien gibt es da draußen, allein schon eine einzige Galaxie ist schon unvorstellbar groß – das bedeutet, wir sind nicht mal ein Staubkorn für das Universum und das Universum ist bestimmt nicht für uns gemacht. Wir existieren einmal, sind dann verschwunden und das wars.

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1 year ago


The question of the meaning of anything presupposes that it is asked by someone.

So, meaning for who?

The universe itself does not ask questions. It just exists. Maybe it would be different without us, probably not very, because we probably never too much to change. But is there anything for which this, probably very small change, has a meaning?

Maybe there are life forms outside the Earth. If they never discover us and do not affect our existence, then of course we have no meaning for them. If they discover us at some point, of course, we do, but we do not know what meaning they will be eating us or already do.

Other forms of life on earth? There may be animal species that have something like an awareness of our existence. What is the significance of these? Nor do we really know that. At the most, we can orient ourselves on the significance of the existence of any particular other kind.

In the end, there is only one instance for which our existence has a meaning. Of course we are. And there I would say, as always, for me personally, our existence has a very, very high condition!

1 year ago

The question of a meaning of anything to anything has no meaning for the universe, because the universe is nothing that attributes or can even describe things. If you’re looking for a meaning for anything, you can do it by yourself, because only you can decide for yourself. A house gives people who live in it no meaning and the universe is, in a simple way, nothing other than that.

1 year ago

The universe knows no meaning. The individual person always gives meaning only for himself.

1 year ago

There are various philosophical and scientific approaches to the question of the importance of human life. Some argue that human life is significant because it allows us to gain experiences and experiences and develop them. Others regard human life as meaningless because it appears insignificant in relation to the universe and its inconceivable size.

The anthropic principle is a philosophical concept that states that the universe is structured in a way that allows life. This means that the existence of human life and the fact that we exist are not by chance, but are determined by the nature of the universe. Some therefore argue that human life plays an important role in the universe because it is the only known life capable of studying and understanding the universe.

Ultimately, the question of the importance of human life is a complex and subjective question, which depends on various factors, such as our personal beliefs, experiences and world views.

1 year ago

For the universe, all other life on earth is also meaningless.

1 year ago

Without beings that can perceive, the whole universe makes no sense.