Ist das mein Eisprung gewesen?
Hatte jemand nach dem Abbruch auch solche Symptome?
Mein Abbruch ist fast 3 Wochen her und seit Montag verspüre ich merkwürdige Symptome die sich abwechseln. Ziehen im Unterleib,spannende/ziehende Brüste,pieksen unten. Könnte das vom Eisprung kommen? Ich weiß es klingt seltsam,aber ich hoffe wirklich das meine Tage bald kommen 🤣
Ps: abwertende Kommentare könnt ihr euch sparen. Wir haben verhütet und es ist dennoch passiert. Man,man,man wie ich solche Menschen verabscheue.
Can’t be said. There are women who feel the ovulation – and others who do not feel it.
And just after a pregnancy, there is a lot of confusion in the female body.
I got a call on Monday and the doctor’s assistant said the HCG value was 32. They took my blood last week. I don’t know if he’s getting down so fast.
Yeah, after 3 weeks, that can be the ovulation.
Today I noticed that my outflow/skin is more sticky, that feels funny and I can’t interpret the smell. Maybe yeast? But a mushroom can’t be. I don’t have itching or something.
During the ovulation, the mucilage liquefies from the mother’s mouth (Zervixschleim), which is probably what you are testing on you.
Thanks 🙏🏻 Then I will wait for my period 🙏🏻
The facts speak not for a pregnancy.
I didn’t. But Paranoia. I’m probably gonna figure it out, and my body’s playing something. I know that is currently my fertile phase, as much indicates. Still, I have shots.
You can only be pregnant if you have unprotected traffic.
So can I be calm? Thought that after a few days you might notice any signs of pregnancy. The “blooding” from the demolition began on 16.06 and lasted 4 days. See, last Saturday c.a started my fertile phase. But you don’t notice any signs so fast, right?
Maybe, but it doesn’t.