Is this mathematically possible?
So the question is very complicated…
You can halve any number, even numbers that start with 0 (e.g.: 0.2:2=0.1, 0.1:2=0.05, etc.)
How can it be that in a diagram one line intersects another?
So let's say you draw the red line from right to left. If the line is one centimeter from the y-axis and you continue to draw it, so at a distance of 0.5 cm, 0.25 cm, it would go on forever.
However, as you can see, I managed to draw the red line through the y axis.
My question is how is that possible if you can actually halve any number?
For example, the line can pass through the y axis at 3+ root from 2. A number which does not arise from the halving
Isn’t that still in the positive area (about 4,414)?
I don’t see what the sketch has to do with your frsge, and I don’t understand the core of your question.
You can always paint a line/curve in a diagram… and that can cut the y-axis.
Otherwise, there are different numbers in mathematics and one has to deal with the “infinity”… infinitely in large, infinitely in small… and with rows/follows. With the rational numbers (grooves), you can approach any real number (e.g. also root(2) or Pi) as desired, but you will never meet the number yourself… And although geometrically e.g. root 2 can even be constructed as a diagonal in square.
There is absolutely that you can approach something infinitely without touching it. You can even approach yourself in different ways.
It doesn’t work in reality (physics). At some point, you will have fallen below the smallest distance that is distinguishable.
I’m joining Ericdraven28. You’re very cumbersome about the race of Achilles against the turtle.
The solution to the problem is that an infinite sum can still be finite.
familiarize yourself with the concept of convergences of ranks, which then follows.
By the way, your explanation/consideration is simply a cumbersome form of the race of Achilles, which should be just like “paradox”.
A function that describes half is not a straight line, but a U which has its lowest point at 0/0.
However, it is also possible to draw the line that it has only a distance of 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 mm from the axis. When is the line at 0?
She’s always approaching zero, but never reaches her. (The line is also not a straight line.)
Like a half-life.
I believe the FS refers here to the “Paradox” of Achilles and the turtle. I haven’t understood it for a long time, but read the question from the point of view.
The problem of your drawing: Your straight cuts the y-axis. You could have made it clear that she doesn’t.
the line does not cut if you follow your information, but the y-axis passes quasi through a gap [ ] between the two line parts
The term that falls here in math is that of the supermum.
Thanks for the answer now I understand it a little more.
either the line intersects the y axis
If it approaches the axis (whether from the right or the left) more and more, there will always be a distance. It’s not 0
This is also the reason why one cannot name the next number after zero on the numerical straight line. No matter which number you take, there is still a smaller
Okay, all right. I don’t think I’d understand.
I don’t want to calculate what your line describes. But it’s not 1/2x or 1/2y
How did this line then reach the y axis?
What you could hardly have asked, but as I understand it, you will find under the turtle paradoxon, also “Achilles and the turtle”.
It is about which he would never catch the turtle if he, for example. 10x as fast as the turtle, because it has always traveled a way from WegAchilles/10 and the distance develops in direction 0, but never becomes completely zero. Read this out.
Google for Achilles and the turtle. This describes hair exactly your problem. It’s a well-known paradox.