Ist das Inhaltsverzeichnis zu lang?
Hallo, ich sitze momentan an meiner Bachelor-Thesis und bin momentan dabei mein Inhaltsverzeichnis zu optimieren. Allerdings habe ich das Gefühl, dass es irgendwie zu lang ist und ich manche Punkte zusammenfassen könnte… bin momentan irgendwie am verzweifeln x.x
no the table of contents is not too long. But there were some formal mistakes.
(1) Chapter 3.1 follows 3.3
2) Chapter 5.1 does not follow chapter 5.2. But there must always be at least two chapters of the same order.
3) The literature list does not receive continuous chapter numbering. You have only 8 chapters.
To assess the content of the directory, one should know the question and problem of the work. I assume that the question is about working out what measures are appropriate to absorb the psychological burden of policemen? Then I would reconsider whether Chapter 2-4 is not clearly too broad.
Lg Susan
Thank you.
The topic with me is “What mental illnesses can arise through the police profession?”
Therefore, wanted to go from the burdens to the diseases.
Don’t find it too long. Mine was much longer then. Had about 1.5 pages table of contents for a work with about 80 pages.
Some sub-points will probably be added when writing. If, for example, there is a fourth level of detail, then it could be omitted.
great success.
Ah okay 🙂
Fourth level? Where exactly?
That was more hypothetical if you were
Continue writing into detail and insert a 4th level. I would then leave this in the table of contents.
Ah okay, thank you.)
You don’t have to write everything that accurately, I think it’s enough, for example, if you just write a conclusion at the end, but if you can really tell so much you can leave everything that way, but I personally would just make bigger points not write everything that exactly
Thank you 🙂 Yes, I’ll see what I could summarize.
If every point of need is why.not. there is university working there is the table of contents already half a book
What’s going on? Is that true that almost all policemen are mentally ill? You have to be kind enough to be able to practice such a profession.