Ist das hier normal und bin ich falsch?
Ich habe 32 Klicks und nur eine Reihe blöder Bemerkungen bekommen, die zum Teil sogar gelöscht wurden.
Ich habe 32 Klicks und nur eine Reihe blöder Bemerkungen bekommen, die zum Teil sogar gelöscht wurden.
Ich wollte mich in mein Online-Banking der Sparkasse einloggen, jedoch erscheint die Fehlermeldung: „Der Zugang ….. des Instituts Sparkasse wurde dauerhaft gesperrt“. Leider habe ich meine Sparkassenkarte nicht bei mir und kann nicht an einen Automaten. Heißt das, mein Konto wurde gekündigt? Mich stört das Wort „dauerhaft“.
Mein Kanal wurde gesperrt und ich weiss nicht warum. Auf dem Bild steht was als Grund angegeben wurde.
Willkommen zu meinem … Video?
Hey kennt ihr seiten wo man mit leuten chatten kann und anonym über probleme reden kann. Also ohne Anmeldung oder kosten oder email
Ist es illegal geleakte Onlyfans Inhalte woanders zu schauen? Und wenn ja, wie wahrscheinlich wäre eine strafrechtliche Verfolgung?
As a Newbie, you’re asking an admittedly very skurrile question (job center for contacting? Yes – Ne – is clear!) – at least it is skurril formulated – and on a topic that everything else is suitable to discuss on a public platform. Well…
In view of the fact that we cannot see the (extinct) answers mentioned by you, we cannot agree with them either.
I know, however, that on as well as all larger platforms, whether gfn, youtube, facebook or anything else, MODs are on the go, whose deletion finger is too loose.
In short, just because an answer has been deleted – that doesn’t mean anything in doubt.
Here is a short answer to your first question:
If a person is full-year and wants to do nothing, then you have to accept it. Parents back or forth. …and you don’t do that with your question.
In the quintessence, it could also be exactly DAS behavior, why your youngsters do not want contact.
But it is about financing full-time training.
According to citizens’ money, the financing of u25 must give special reasons, as well as other destroyed circumstances.
Otherwise, it is to be drawn to the family.
That’s why I’m a little baff and looking for help.
If your child wants nothing to do with you – so not belongs to your needs – this is your problem.
Just as if it doesn’t get financed.
If it wants citizens’ money, then it has to deal with the job center itself, why it doesn’t want to live with you with under 25.
you will be able to give out if your child has flew out due to stupid behavior and thus is responsible for himself or whether it is mentally impaired and comes fully into a mentally ill facility. then you’re about to come in – ask for an attorney to ask a forum for such:,
He’s afraid of his trauma. He was witnessing how to get together because I didn’t pay any protection money and broke into us at night as criminals and the police said to him I should just hit the people back and not make an ad, etc. He has lost his memory for wall protection reasons and was then put into a pampering program, starting to slander himself and endanger others to illegally bring him to another suicidal-hobby family. He probably ran away and now has a serious impediment.
Unfortunately, as everywhere, the tone is getting rough. Just ignore where it goes.
Based on the contribution…
As far as I understand it, you’re saying it’s stupid remarks because people didn’t answer me in fact. I’m right
Maybe it was because your shielding wasn’t easy to understand. If you need life advice, you’re wrong here.
Where do you have to go?
In any case, not on a question board form, in which mainly children exchange about tail lengths and self-satisfaction.
lol is this so raw