Ist das gutes Essen für einen Tag?
Guten Morgen 🌻,
Ich wollte euch fragen, ob das zuviel ist:
8:00 Uhr: Overnight-Oats (50g Haferflocken, 150ml Milch, 2 TL Leinsamen, eine Prise Salz, 1 TL Zucker, eine Prise Zimt, 3 TL Kakaopulver) mit 1 Banane
8:45 Uhr: 3 kleine Salzbrezeln
12:00 Uhr: 1 großer Teller Gnocchi mit Gemüse und Bratwürstchen
15:00 Uhr: Smoothie aus 100g TK, Himbeeren und Wasser, 1 Schokoriegel oder 5 Kekse mit Schokolade überzogen
18:30 Uhr: 3 kleine Scheiben Walnussbrot mit Kräuterbutter, Rohes Gemüse
Liebe Grüße MickeyLovy
PS: Ich bin 12, weiblich, 158cm groß und wiege 45-50 Kg
Sounds good as usual. I even let myself inspire, as what you eat is very healthy for example I have been looking after your overnight oats and find them delicious and your smoothie also for in between. He’s really good and healthy against cravings. :
Let your diet like that, you have a good diet and sounds like totally normal amounts. I don’t know how big your portions are when eating, but if you get tired of it and don’t starve and don’t exaggerate, it should actually be perfect. You don’t eat too much. L.g.
I’m glad you let you inspire 🥰
Your BMI is at the lower limit…
The question is not necessarily whether the “good” is – in the final analysis of taste – so defn whether it is enough?!
You should wash the freezers hot because of the germs. I’d be too boring to eat. And Gnocchi with Bratwurst is funny.
We’ve made a run
Yeah sounds okay
Why do you say, “but okay”?
Breakfast could be different, but it might fit.
Ne, too much kcal
No, just a funny breakfast. Bread or so would have gone
Why? Too little?
Well, I wouldn’t have a proper breakfast now
What is doof at breakfast
If you’re tired, you’re too young to be careful
… look at the BMI for its details = you have to be very careful that this is not too much in the direction…
But she thinks it’s going up in the wrong direction and getting too thick. This, for its part, is not in order to increase. She’s got an eating disorder, but I think she’s already in recovery.
Exactly, while I think it’s more the focus to consider…
Grammar calorie count (IMHO) leads to an overestimation of the eaten…
…because IMHO would weigh it from itself – and eat what is fun for you – better…
No, no.
I wrote that she DENKT, she may become too fat, and thinks that if at all it is too much as too little food.
She has an eating disorder and a distorted body perception.
She should of course look that it doesn’t slip into the underweight, but I think it wouldn’t really disturb her, probably her doctors.
A compulsive eating behavior, beyond normal hunger, is never healthy, even if you want to pay attention to its weight.
At BMI 18 it is too thick?!