Ist das giftig für Kaninchen?

Och habe meine Kaninchen in einem Stall mit Außengehege (10m²) normalerweise bekommen sie noch weiteren Auslauf in den Garten. Aber ich habe im Oktober meinen Rasen mit Gift gespritzt. Nun frage ich mich ob ich die Janinchen jetzt (nach ca 4 Monaten) wieder auf den Rasen lassen kann oder ob das Gift noch schädlich für sie ist. Würde mich über schnelle Antworten freuen.

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3 years ago

If this had something to do with weed control, then I wouldn’t let her aif the lawn. In the past, it was on the packs (reef fertilizers with weed destroyers) that the hay must not be used for farm animals for one year.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lolo44660

On the last packs it was no longer up, but you don’t know that you have other means now. You don’t have to wait a year, but I’d still do the first cut in spring.In winter, something is washed out and that’s out of the plant.

3 years ago


No, I’d be too risky. There can still be traces of poison.

LG produkt

3 years ago

Hello Lolo44660,

I wouldn’t do it. Did you moan the lawn several times in time? In general, the poison as well as fertilizer is absorbed by the lawn through the roots and from the outside. And almost all weeds/insects destroyers affect the health of the fur popos. In general, I would leave this with the poison injection, as the rabbits can also take it from some distance through the breathing air, depending on what a poison is. How about building a “second level” with houses and platforms/bridges/bridges. This also brings change and movement.
