Ist das gebrochen?
Habe gegen die wann geboxt Knöchel tut weh und ich blau. Sollte ich damit zum Arzt?
Habe gegen die wann geboxt Knöchel tut weh und ich blau. Sollte ich damit zum Arzt?
Hello, since yesterday, my heart rate has been between 115 and 120. As soon as I lie down, it drops to 95. Even if I move around the apartment for a short time, it immediately rises. What could be causing this? I took my tablets as usual (methyldopa), but it didn't help. This is the…
Meine Katze hat mich gekratzt am Arm, jetzt blute ich und das nicht wenig und die Wunde ist geschwollen und brennt extrem.
Hello, I had unprotected sex with someone – I no longer have anything to do with this person – after 4 months, i.e. today, she wrote to me that I infected her with chlamydia because she hadn't had unprotected sex before or since – is that possible? Can you notice chlamydia for the first time…
Ich meine Männer sind meistens viel notgeiler als Frauen.
So I’d go to the doctor if it really hurts.
Even though it is not broken, it is recommended to let that be examined can be much and much happen
Last time I boxed against a wall, I broke two fingers.
Better go to the doctor. But I also have to say that I knew what was going on.
Please post an X-ray instead of the normal photo. So far, a statement is whether this is broken or not pure humour.
Can you move your hand well? Plaster or concrete wall? How strong are the pain? How long has that been?
With cooling and quark wraps, high storage and gentleness, you do nothing wrong. If you think a break is possible, but only a visit to the hospital will help. Laien von GuteFrage can’t decide!
Doesn’t look good. Can you move your finger?
Should go to the doctor. Imagine we’d be nice if you hadn’t boxed against the wall. Now you can wear a doctor and a bandage.
No one has an X-ray view and no one can see it. Go to the doctor.
Yeap doctor would let me know
No one has an X-ray view here. Please go to the doctor.
If you have aua, go to doc
But Sry doesn’t work on pictures.
How are we supposed to judge if this is broken?!