Ist das Frühstück oke wenn man NICHT zunehmen will?
70g himbeeren 1 scheibe roggenbrot mit einer scheibe geflügel salami und einer scheibe pouletbrust und 1 chiefs proteinriegel
70g himbeeren 1 scheibe roggenbrot mit einer scheibe geflügel salami und einer scheibe pouletbrust und 1 chiefs proteinriegel
Könnten sich alle vegan ernähren also hätten wir genug Lebensmittel für 8 Millarden Menschen
Butterschmalz, Kokosfett oder andres Fet /Öl
Ich hab heute morgen ein Brötchen mit Pute gegessen uns dazu ein Glas Wasser. Und ihr so? DogLove98
Hallo, wenn man Zucker ißt also hauptsächliche Industriezucker , bekommt man ja insolin, stimmt es das der Körper durch insolin schneller altert oder sowas in die Richtung?
Hallo, in der Klasse beschäftigen wir uns grad mit der debatte und müssen contra Argumente finden warum vegetarisches essen an bayrischen Schulen verkauft werden soll. ich hoffe Sie können mir helfen
Just simple – this breakfast does not even cover your basic needs – let alone the power requirement!
Sorry, but with such a thing you ride faster into a magical addiction than you believe.
Overall – You are in the middle of the normal weight, are in growth and should therefore not lose weight at all!
In the middle of the normal weight? So further away from overweight or underweight?
And who claims that you should cover your basic or performance needs with a meal? A “small” breakfast is quite legitimate, e.g. if you have difficulties with larger portions in the morning, you will be able to spread several meals over the day or even if there is a lush meal.
My answer clearly shows that it refers to the calorie value of breakfast – and only calculated to 3 meals (more than this is not to be done with such questioners) are max. 450 kcal clearly too little.
You can also eat a Big Mac menu for breakfast and do not increase if you eat the rest of the day.
It depends on all day requirements and not on breakfast.
thank you bro 🙂
It depends on your total calorie consumption. If you only take 200kcal to you in the morning, but then later over 2000kcal, then it will take off nix.
I’ll take care of
Joa, that’s okay.
depends on what drives the day and eats
I’d leave the lousy bar and eat yoghurt, quark, or for my sake, more coverings on the bread.
Upsi who is already in the mag who was so horny HAHAHAHAH
I’m not talking about today, but about general. Let the garbage go, you’re not doing your body good with it.
Aside from that, how do you get this ugly cardboard down? 🤢
Calorie okay.
But it does not saturated and are just empty foods except for the raspberries
Little bit…
joaa esse on the afternoon more