Ist das Fleisch noch roh?
Bitte sagt mir nicht ich habe gerade ein Ganzes rohes Cordon Bleu gegessen…
Ich wollte mal wissen was ihr am liebsten bei Mc donalds esst.
Ich habe heute nähmlich schon 4 davon gegessen und würde gerne wissen wie viele man max Essen sollte.
Was mögt ihr mehr? Ich bin gerade durch Zufall auf YouTube auf dieses Video gestoßen und wollte Mal eure Meinung dazu hören und vor allem die Frage Wer von euch würde diesen Burger dann essen ich definitiv nicht Das Video nicht ansehen wenn ihr mensempfindlich seid oder euch schnell schlecht wird ansonsten stellt euch einen Eimer zum übergeben…
Moin, bin 1.70, 19 Jahre, Männlich und wiege 63.
That’s a pre-cooked thing. it was never intended to squeeze half a chicken tits in.
I assume that what you see here so pink is the ham, the meat looks through.
Either you didn’t eat a whole thing or make the photo, then you finished eating and then you thought.
Even if you’ve eaten it raw and completely, it can’t change anymore, but just wait to see if you’re getting bad or not.
Jup, it’s still raw chicken
Looks pretty rough. That’s what you’re seeing when you eat. On the one hand, it should not be hot, on the other hand it should be quite tough.
The pink is not a ham for me. This does not match the color and texture. As far as you can see this in the bad recording.
No, you obviously don’t. If you had eaten the whole thing, you couldn’t take it…
No, I don’t know any cheese that melts at room temperature. And the panade is raw much brighter. The meat looks right for me. I don’t like dead roasts.
Don’t you think you would have noticed if the meat had been raw? It looks more like ham.
Jupp, that definitely looks like raw chicken.
No, the pink meat is ham. That’s it.
How the fuck do you think?
In addition, the image is grottenschlecht, you almost realize nothing and is flashed.
You don’t see. That on the cheese is the ham.
Everything about it is difficult to recognize.
It’s amazing that you noticed where you’re almost done 🙄.
Practicing is the subject and beforehand
Yes. But you will survive.
Looks pretty crude, but if it was internal temperature 80°C, it’s still okay…
This is not pink inside, but the ham of filling.
The cheese covers a lot of meat as it seems, but it still looks very rusty
The ham, however, is normal only a disc and not twice as thick as the meat around it…
No more raw, but where that’s so pink. Gares Cordon bleu gets so white
Oh, God. the pink stuff is the ham. He won’t know!
oh falsely gazed, oh God!
Nevertheless, it is not fried.
This is not raw, but the ham of filling!
Now you just have to know exactly what cheese it is.
Yes, only the heat still has to bleu through the meat at a Gordon.
Cutting cheese begins to melt at a temperature of just over 60 degrees.
Yes, but the cheese is packed in meat, first heats up the meat and until the cheese melts as much as on the photo the meat is also through.
That’s wrong again. Cheese has an extremely low melting point.
What do you want to know about this on the basis of the grayly bad photos?! You only realize with difficulty that it is probably something edible.
This is guaranteed, otherwise the cheese would not be torn.
Yeah, that’s still raw.
What happened to humanity.
Cooking can no longer be done today.
I don’t even think about this, I’m really not a good cook, but how can you not see if meat is raw or not, like wtf 😀
Yes you have:D