Ist das euch schon mal auch passiert mit dem Bus?
Also das der Bus mitten in der Fahrt plötzlich stehen geblieben ist und nicht mehr fahren konnte wegen irgendeiner Panne?
Hatte auch schon einige Male das meine Busse auf der Autobahn stehen geblieben sind wegen irgendwelchen Motorproblemen oder so.
Never. Either the buses are less sensitive to us or they are better maintained. The only regular damage is defective door openers because the stops are permanently stressed, depending on how many doors the bus has otherwise, it must then immediately go to the workshop or at least continue until the end of the shift. In the middle of the ride, a motor should not be allowed to stretch. Then something is wrong with the overall construction, or the maintenance was saved.
I’ve always been through more than 3 times. Once I was lucky that I only had to walk home for 10 minutes from where the time has stopped
Yes, twice in the 12 years I live in this city
Yes, all passengers were asked to get out and wait for the next bus.
Yeah, it was a lot of years ago. The journey continued with a replacement bus.
Yes, in Switzerland with a new Mercedes coach. The turbocharger passed by the bus. The bus operator immediately organized a replacement bus with which the tour was continued on site and the defective bus was taken to Chur in the MB branch. There was no replacement.Turbolader available because it was such a new and rare component. To everything, the bus was needed a few days later for a trip to London. So the bus stop for the return took its own replacement bus and drove the defective bus very carefully to Neu-Ulm to the EVO Buswerk, where the required turbocharger was taken from a bus not yet delivered.
This happened to me late in the USA, and we had to wait five hours in the broken bus for a replacement bus! – In China this went much faster with the replacement building – because as our bus suddenly remained, there was the replacement bus after 30 minutes.
That was with one of the reasons why I’d rather go with my car.
And yes, I’m sure everyone’s ever done that.
That’s what happens.
Once the bus stopped in the middle of the forest two kilometers from the next place, because the engine burned, sometimes the doors stopped closing or it has snowed so hard that the bus could no longer drive.