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The lines start from the middle to the left and to the right. The longer the line is, the stronger the color blindness is pronounced. The line to the left goes completely to the left edge, so this is very bad. To the right, the line is only short, which is good.
what does that mean when he goes to yellow and when he goes to “weak”?
I do not know this test and have never done it
but I guess the left and the right eye were tested and differences in color perception were found in the left and right eye
is not going to “Yellow”, but it goes to “strong” = strong/very bad
“Yellow” denotes the Y axis perpendicular, “Red-green color mixture” is the X axis horizontal
as I would interpret, you are strongly colour-blind on one eye and hardly on the other
but in order to be able to say it with certainty, I would have to know exactly how the test is designed and I don’t know that
So did I weaken a light or strong red green?