Ist das Endorfy Arx 700 (ARGB) ein gutes Gehäuse?
Hallo zusammen.
Ich wollte mir das Gehäuse holen, weil es platztechnisch alles bietet was ich brauche, Qualität etc. gut sein soll und die 140er Lüfter in der Front auch auf voller Drehzahl wohl sehr leise sind.
Findet ihr die Qualität gut?
Die Frage ist auch, ob ich mir die ARGB Variante hole, oder die normale. Hierzu möchte ich wissen, ob man die Beleuchtung auch ausstellen kann auf Wunsch und wie genau man das macht.
Gibt es eine Fernbedienung dazu? Ein Controller direkt am Gehäuse? Oder nur mittels Software dann? Bzw. geht es überhaupt? 🤷♀️
Auch bräuchte ich bei der ARGB einen weiteren 140er Lüfter. Weiß jemand, wo man den kaufen kann?
Vielen Dank für eure Zeit.
Lighting can be switched off, controlled either via the housing or software, provided your motherboard has 3Pin ARGB Header
The fans are Endorfy Stratus 140 PWM ARGB
Thank you for your answer.
Do you know the case? Is the airflow good?
Got the ARX 500 ARGB here, Airflow is super
Jo, there’s something new here. The Straight Power 12 would be a good choice
More than 750 Watt Needs ned Ifs No Top of the Line GPU Will
Be Quite 550W from 9 years ago or so. Currently installed in the office computer are a 14600KF, 32GB DDR5 a 3060ti, a few USB devices, SSDs, etc. The 550W fit as far as it is, but as I said, are slowly somewhat narrow.
The upgrade plans are not yet concrete, but next would be a new GPU on the line. So 50 series of Nvidia or the latest generation of AMD, depending on the price-performance ratio.
And that’s exactly what I’m thinking about, because the TDPs don’t know anything. Although I’m not going to build up 5090 and probably not the flagship of AMD, I’m playing too rarely in the office, but already towards the upper middle class like a 5060ti, 5070 or even an 8800. Depending on PLV.
But it is basically about the question of what negative effects it would have if you simply take a number larger than NT.
What power supply do you have and what hardware do you want to operate?
Another question that does not have to do directly with the subject, but would be unnecessary to create a new question if you can answer it in this way. 😉
Currently, I have installed a 550W power supply, but this is slowly a little bit tight for the built-in hardware and I want to upgrade future-proof – housing and NT should last for the next 10 years.
A 750W power supply would currently be easy to upgrade, but I wonder if it doesn’t make any more sense to build a 850W NT. Easy to be on the safe side.
Since both have the same efficiency class, it doesn’t take much in consumption, does it? So in no time. It’s just a little more expensive to buy.
Or do I have a mistake of thinking and do not consider anything?