Ist das eine originale Nvidia GTX 750TI?
Ich habe Angst durch dem made in China Sticker
Ich habe Angst durch dem made in China Sticker
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Why do you need a GTX 750TI in 2024? Even if it is original, 2 GB of ram and the performance are outdated, I would grab other graphics cards, depending on what you’re doing with it.
Because I don’t have money but I want to shock again
How much does it cost and what do you want?
If you are satisfied with it and your requirements are not high then it’s okay. Maybe you’ll find a 4GB graphics card for about the same money.
35€ and something like Valorant/LoL/Minecraft/Sims
A fake GK can only be recognized if you remove the cooler from the GPU and see the chip below. Also, from an ID chip to the GK, you read out the data, usually in the appendix with the GK firmware that is in it.
Random soldering points, e.g. of exchanged ram chips, voltage converters or the GPU itself.
Sometimes you can see the different ram chips available.
Without holding the GK in the hands and looking closely, there is no chance to see a fake.
If this card is already in your possession, simply install it and install the matching GeForce driver.
After that, you will download the GPU-z tool and start it.
Here in advance the specs of a real GTX 750Ti according to Nvidias specifications:
China cases of a particular card series usually differ in part significantly from the original bas.