Is this a normal amount of hair to lose when washing?
Is this a normal amount of hair to lose when washing? I'm 16 years old.
Is this a normal amount of hair to lose when washing? I'm 16 years old.
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Got sunburn on Saturday and it's still itching today!
I have a rash on my hand (see another question I asked). Unfortunately, I was stupid enough to scratch it. It now burns terribly. I was wondering if it would be enough to just apply a little Bepanten? Or should I treat it differently? Your coconut 🌴🥥
I took a quick look and realized there was a bump. I took a photo and saw this (attached). I already have an appointment with a dermatologist, and the redness isn't from the hairdresser. edit* I forgot to mention that it itches.
That’s normal. At 16, puberty is not yet completed, as it is sometimes stronger and sometimes less hair loss. The skin, also the scalp, changes. Nutrition is of course also important.
You could try brushing your hair several times a day, the brush will catch your hair. Then it’s not so much when you wash your hair. I’d be worried if they’d be flush.
Even if it’s been like this for over a year?
This can last for a longer period. I’m exactly the same in the changing years. With the amount I lost, I should have baldness now. But on the contrary, they are now more beautiful than ever.
In my youth, I’ve had this before. There are preparations like Merz Spezial Dragee. They cost a bunch of money and don’t get anything. I got out of the pharmacy a pack of vitamin B. A pack and everything was good. Sometimes the body reacts with a deficiency. If it doesn’t help, ask your doctor for a blood picture, maybe he can see something.
Yeah, it is. We lose a lot of hair every day.
This amount is normal and with me too.
Previously I lost only the half-haare
I’m sure they were even shorter. The hair loss can vary depending on what you eat and how your lifestyle is.
Can be found on iron, zinc, vitamin D deficiency or the like. But as I said, it’s normal.
No sooner I had longer hair and I always eat
Yeah, should be normal, up to 100 hair a day is fine.
you should lose garke haare
in this case I would sprinkle tons of MSM, gerstengras and zink and
my stress lvl and diet strong rethink
You’ll have to make the effort to count them. 100 are okay.
On the basis of the picture, you can’t say anything because we don’t know how long your hair is and above all what amount is on your head.