Ist das eine Kielbrust?


ich bin 13 Jahre alt in der Pubertät und wollte mal fragen ob das eine Kiel- oder Hühnerbrust ist oder bin ich einfach so dünn das man den Knochen stark erkennt? Ich fühle mich damit selber nicht so richtig wohl, da ich in der Schule damit schon aufmerksam gemacht wurde und mir das schon peinlich war. Geht das in der Pubertät noch weg falls es eine ist?

vielen Dank

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3 months ago


The keel breast is a chicken breast and represents the opposite of the funnel breast.

The sternum and the adjacent ribs are curved outwards.

According to studies, the frequency of the occurrence of the Kiel breast in men is greater than in women.However, it is still not clear to this day, but it can be assumed.

In general, research is based on a combination of genetic factors and certain environmental conditions. It is undisputed that there seems to be a family complaint for the Kielbrust.

In addition to impairing the external appearance, the Kielbrust can also cause physical and mental complaints with the affected persons.

Depending on the deformity, slight to moderate chest pain may occur. This can be attributed to muscle tensions and orthopedic malpositions. Breast malformation can affect lung function and cause respiratory problems, which is very rare and only in severe cases.

In addition, those affected, especially when their appearance begins to change in puberty, often suffer from their different appearance. Reducing self-confidence, low self-esteem or social fears can result.

If the protrusion is so pronounced that it impedes breathing, an operation is necessary. Otherwise, it is attempted to continuously push it back by means of an individually produced pressure band (compression corset).

The improvement of a keel breast through training can vary and depends on several factors, including the age, severity of the deformity and consistency of the training program.

I.d.R. shows significant improvements only after several months up to one year.

A targeted training program to strengthen breast muscles and improve posture is important. Best under professional guidance of a physiotherapist.

As you can imagine, the Kiel breast does not disappear by itself. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you visit a doctor to get an individual training plan.

The doctor is the right contact person for easy complaints of all kinds.

The pulmologe (pulmonary doctor) and the cardiologist (heart and circulatory specialist) are the doctors of choice in case of lack of breath or suspicion of heart problems.

Orthopaedic is advisable in muscle and skeletal diseases.

The psychologist or psychiatrist can be consulted if there are psychological problems.

For the treatments I wish you all the best and great success!

Love Greetings


3 months ago
Reply to  Sarkasie


thank you for the answer I would go to a doctor untiringly now. Because I don’t have any impairments and it doesn’t hurt, I would try it with exercises from the internet first

3 months ago

Hm, I don’t think the idea is so good because the vault is already a little advanced. Your classmates already noticed. You better think about it again.

3 months ago
Reply to  Sarkasie

Is it possible that it is simply because I am relatively thin having a somewhat pronounced breast and with normal upper body training it becomes less visible or becomes less visible in puberty?

3 months ago

Puh, sometimes it is possible, but on the photo above I don’t find you relatively thin. From a distance, I can’t say that easily. You don’t need to be afraid to go to the doctor.

I just found an interesting article for you:

3 months ago

Well it was stop swimming not with normal clothes