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Yes, of course that’s a misprint.
Double beats and extremes.
But no one will pay 2000€.
In contrast to 99,99% of the other such questions, I would say in this case that this is actually a misprint.
Yes, it is. However, the misprint does not make the coin worth 2000€. For such misprints, interested collectors may give 2-3€ more.
No, of course not.
And then what is it? 😂
A massively damaged 1-Euro coin. Simply swap on the bank into an intact coin.
So no source, I thought!
Sure – is not very illegal to have such stencils 😉
Do you have a source for this absolutely absurd statement?
Or rather an invented conspiracy theory on your part?
By pressing the thing together with a screwstock, and simply knocking a template on the back. If it were a misprint, it would have been noticed a lot earlier and not only after such strong traces of use were created. This is a well-known method of selling alleged misprints.
Then explain how such a “damage” comes to stand.