Ist das eine Essstörung?

Ich bin ein Mädchen und 12. Also ich weiß das es schlecht ist, aber ich tape mir den Bauch ab und wickle mir Frischhaltefolie um den Bauch. In der Nacht wickle ich Klebeband um meinen Bauch. Ich hatte deshalb schon Blutergüsse und jzt auch Narben. Aber ich hasse meinen Körper einfach. Ich ess sowenig wie ich kann, und wenn ich dann doch was esse, kann ich es nicht genießen, weil ich so ein schlechtes Gewissen habe. Das alles kommt davon das meine BFF meinte das mein Bauch voll fett ist. Ich bin allerdings sogar untergewichtig und ziemlich schlank. Jedenfals fand ich mich davor nkcht dick oder so. Aber jzt💔

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2 years ago

Hi, you have a magnificence. Talk to your parents about it. Maybe you’d better go to the family doctor and talk to the doctor. Because you’re not the only child. the eating disorder. MfG Joachim K.

2 years ago
Reply to  noname943

A eating disorder has no weight. Even if you weren’t underweight, you could have anorexia. You show clear signs of eating disorders

2 years ago

Girl, BITTE, please, talk to your parents about it!

If this is a big problem, talk to your aunt, your parents’ friends or a teacher or a favorite teacher about it!

First of all: Your girlfriend isn’t a friend when she says that.

Probably didn’t believe you were doing this! That was certainly not your girlfriend’s intention!

Then, why don’t your parents remember the action at night? Shouldn’t they get it in the morning?

If you’re talking to your parents, I hope you’ll see the following: you’ll calm down and you’ll go to your family doctor. He looks at the whole thing, doctors you, if necessary, and creates a nutritional plan for me together or assigns you to the nutritional specialist, who then, with you, creates a nutritional plan that focuses on balanced nutrient supply and the requirements for healthy body weight at your age based!

Please, please don’t let the supposed “friend” manipulate you! DYour health is ruined and she laughs one way into the fake!

Suppose you had a thick belly. The so-called “baby scarf” due to the puberty can then be, but it can also be actual overweight. Then you would eat healthy, but not starve, absorb sufficient nutrients, so that the body can continue to CHANGE, and possibly make moderate sport (joggen etc.) and if you wanted, you could do abdominal muscle training, which rarely leads to a decrease in the abdomen, but can lead to “stable” being more upright and going, which in turn can lead to a more positive body perception from the outside. To do this, you can do normal pilates exercises that you find free at Youtube or Barre-Workout:

This is quite good and demanding. The first time I was really sweaty. 15 minutes a day you usually have left. Instead of a rod, you can normally take a STABILEN chair.

You’re writing yourself that you’re undermined and slender – why do you let your girlfriend sew you like that? Why do you listen to her? Maybe she has problems with her body and wanted to roll it on you or she knew you already had problems with your body and wanted to heat it up. Keep away from the “friend” and see if you don’t find other girlfriends who are honest and friendly and not so entertaining. You don’t usually say that to friends!

Remember that you have to spend the rest of your life with this body! If you add scars to him, they’re still there with 30, 50 and 70! You don’t know if that’s a big deal later!

And google gaslighting, please. This is a tactics to insecure others. I don’t mean that your girlfriend makes this aware, but her statements have the same effect on you, you question your self-perception.

Please speak UNBEDINGT with an adult trustee and that this month too!

2 years ago

Generally, an expert and not the Laienforum should make the diagnosis. It doesn’t sound like a healthy behavior, and if you haven’t spoken to an expert, it might be a good idea to do it.

Generally, I would distance myself from the BFF if they didn’t do you well. Friends should support you and do good. When someone talks to you with underweight thicknesses, this is not helpful and does not support healthy lifestyle.

2 years ago

Yes is a eating disorder talking to your parents or a trust teacher

2 years ago

Then you should shoot your BFF and surround yourself with better people.