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3 months ago

I don’t know the brand, but “price 101 CHF” tells me: no, that can’t be good. You shouldn’t go to the best, because you simply lack the quality and you lose the fun. As a beginner, you need something you don’t want to leave right away. The guitar will probably not be easy to play and the amplifier is usually disappointing in starter sets. I would strongly advise to keep saving.

3 months ago

Hi! After a search, this is a bundle that costs 119 euros in Germany.

The guitar is “Discounterware”, it costs about 80 euros without the small amplifier. Comparable cheap guitars in the segment come from Rocktile, HarleyBenton, Fame.

I used to have one. If you’re lucky, you get an instrument that’s playable, my guitar was quite the same. But it’s a guitar that compromises at all corners and ends, plastic pots, cheap mechanics, cheapest pick-ups. If you never had anything else, you will not notice it until quality of the guitar becomes important, but then you will not be satisfied with it anymore.

My advice therefore: invest from approx. 220 euros to 400 euros in an entry-level guitar, then the quality is high enough for a good instrument. I can’t say anything to the little amplifier. At my time, there was one I still have and I really find very good.

Here’s a set at the bottom end to think about:

I would first look at a set from 300 to 350 euros.


3 months ago
Reply to  Cookie1710

Okay, that’s it. You asked if the guitar was good. You have the answer. If you don’t want to wait, risk it. But remember: if it comes as I and also the colleague oogabooga say, then you spent the money and need it again for a better guitar. And such a guitar is almost incomparable, i.e. you can’t get anything back.


3 months ago

The set you named is in any case wooded frustration that will ruin your guitar playing.

Better would be to wait to save at least €400 to €600, better even more if an exoin grabs you and test guitars in the store.

The price is that the shape of the electric guitar, the construction and all of this can be extremely much. And yes, as a beginner, a quality instrument is important.

Many stop because they fail their own guitar.

For example, I’m not getting warm with the popular Les Pauls and the other “income forms” just didn’t pick me up, most likely Stratocaster and few selected Superstrats of the EVL series by Cort. But also here, never as a main guitar. I had 13 years of frustration because I didn’t feel comfortable.

For this, however, no guitar out there is more comfortable, sounding and more beautiful than it could be a Firebird V, which in turn is perceived by many as too bulky. I’m “loved” in these guitars since I first held one in my hands in a business and after I finally call my own after years, I really realize how much I missed playing them. It was too liberating.

Besides my Corts, you won’t find a Tremolo with any of my guitars. In 99% of the cases, it just bothers me. This is also individual preference.

Invest in the right guitar. Absolutely.

If your budget really doesn’t give up, use ebay classifieds and find a cort as a transition solution.

But please… test the thing anyway, many Cort have Tremolo and they can be zigzag.

As Cort sells itself very badly, however, you can sometimes pick up more high-quality series, such as EVL, for under 300, even though the new times cost 600.

And a well-adjusted cort can keep double to triple prices with guitars.