Ist das ein Zeckenstich oder ist das ein entzündeter Mückenstich?
Dachte früher das dies ein Mückenstich war und habe den dann so zusagen auf gekratzt,jedoch denke ich jetzt ob das etwas schlimmeres sein könnte, kann einer mir vielleicht bei diesem Thema weiter helfen?
Own. No matter what it is, obviously inflamed and could be the sign of a borreliosis infection. But I don’t want to fix myself, nothing the more you should be a doctor.
Gelsen can also transfer borrelia. Last year. From the doctor. You get antibiotics
It doesn’t look like a tick bite. But can be good, especially because of the red circle outside. Immediately to the doctor with suspicion of FSME or Lyme disease
Looks like a tick bite and the redness doesn’t look good.
You’ve most likely been infected with Borrelia, that should be the doctor who gives you an antibiotic.
I’d go to Artz. Safe is safe, borreliose is not beautiful
So with me it has already looked like that, after a tick bite, but whether it is with you, I don’t know
What this is can’t be seen, but the discoloration is not a good sign, that should a doctor examine.
100% Borelliosis. From the doctor. Google after Erythema migrans. This is quite typical of boroelliosis. It’s good to treat antibiotics, don’t worry.
You’re sure because, as I said, I scratched this stitch/biss.
that doesn’t look good, it could be of a (crime) mosquito!