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No, instead of the “d” above, you still need the “c” as a small Septim.
Since D7 appears as a QuintAkkord in G dur, you only need the f# as a sign, not a # for the “c”.
In addition, the G dur Tonart has only one #, namely the “f #”. D7 occurs in Gdur as a dominant chord; is thus formed on the 5th fifth stage. (forms from the mixolydic conductor).
I recommend ‘mal das Fachbuch’The New Harmony Teaching” by Frank Haunschild. For music students or advanced students there is also Band II.
No, you can also see that there is a gap in the terz upshift where the 4th term belongs (Tonika -> Terz -> Quinte -> Septime).
It lacks the Septime, so the C, which makes the chord only D7.
that’s a D major chord.
At D7 the top sound would not be D, but C.
Best regards,