Ist das ein Reim?
Ist das ein Reim?
So I sat quietly, agreed politely
Aus dem Song Roar von Katy Perry. Ich denke es ist ein Binnenreim, da der Reim in einer Zeile steht. Meine Lehrerin sagt es sei kein Reim, da es wohl nicht möglich ist, dass ein Reim in einer Zeile stehen. Sie sagt ein Reim müsse in zwei Zeilen stehen.
That’s not true, but she’s right.
What do you mean?
This is nonsense, but until the final certificate the teacher is right with nonsense.
I know the saying differently: whoever can do it – who can’t do it goes into politics and hinders from there those who can do something.
Who can do it, who can’t do it, teaches it.
Oh, yes, of course that’s true
Reim is when two words have the last stressed syllable and everything after. no matter where in the set or in the line break they stand.
send your teacher back to university!
Phonetic, therefore, are quietly and politely not a rhyme, because quietly is not quite pronounced.
but, you can say it – a little sloppy – that way.
I don’t know what Katy Perry said. If “something sloppy”, it’s a rhyme.
squeal and politely don’t rhyme!
This also shows you a look at the phonetic phonetic phonetic phonetic phonetic. Compare the pronunciation
[ˈkw]amissLi) translation/english/quietly
[pəaAGELi) translation/english/politely
If you click on the speaker icons next to the words at, you can hear it well.
How does Katy Perry even sing the two words?
Inland rhyme, like “A strongblack Barke“.
That’s bullshit. Of course it’s a rhyme. Pants, Rose, can.