Is this a tonsil stone or tonsillitis?

Hey everyone, the night before yesterday, I accidentally noticed a yellow dot on my tonsils and my throat was a bit scratchy and there was a feeling of pressure in that area. The following morning I went to the ENT and she said it was more likely a tonsil stone. I checked again last night and the thing was gone and it looked completely normal and I no longer had a scratchy throat or feeling of pressure. This morning it was back as you can see in the picture and I had a scratchy throat again… I've had streptococcal pharyngitis and tonsillitis ten times now and I'm really worried that it's happening again. I don't feel sick and I don't have a fever either (36.7-36.9), so I'm really overwhelmed… Because I have an anxiety disorderđŸ«  my biggest worry is that it could be tonsillitis caused by root canal treatment because you read everywhere that dead teeth release toxins into the body.

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4 months ago

For me it doesn’t look roasted – and rather an almond stone, than an oyster.


Go to doctor, he will tell you exactly

4 months ago
Reply to  Langweilelul

… you have completed the diagnosis of the HNO doctor ->

He’s learned that forty years.