Ist das ein gutes Mittagessen, um Gewicht zu halten?
Btw. das Fleisch habe ich nicht gegessen. Lasse Fleisch immer über.
Btw. das Fleisch habe ich nicht gegessen. Lasse Fleisch immer über.
Guten Tag, die Frage ist eigentlich sehr simpel. Unterscheidet sich die Körperzusammensetzung eines Tieres, das sich ausschließlich von Pflanzen ernährt, von der eines Tieres, das auch andere Nahrungsquellen hat? Ist es ethisch vertretbar, dass Menschen, die aus moralischen Gründen auf Fleisch verzichten, solche Tiere essen? Es heißt ja nicht umsonst: Du bist was du isst….
kann man trotz glutenunverträglichkeit zunehmen ?! Und wie ?!
Wisst ihr ob diese Produkt vegetarisch ist oder ob dort tierisches Lab enthalten ist?
Hello you have to try this yourself,
Without the meat, it’s a serving for toddlers. If you don’t like meat, let yourself be alternative.
Even with it, this is absolutely ridiculous especially if you are in the hospital because of an eating disorder.
Nene is not at all because of an ES in the KH:)
Ups, I never noticed the paper. Right…
You can’t relate everything to you, for me it would be like a portion,
Nene is also guaranteed not psychiatry or so on 😛
Nich mean evil but censier perhaps your name next time ^^^
Simply deer roast in the clinic and she lets it be lying 😔
How old? How big? And what do you mean to keep weight? Do you have any problems with it or with it?
And: eat your proteins (here: the meat), otherwise your body can repair nix, nix build up, no wounds close, no healthy nails or hair grow etc. — Protein is your “building material”.
19, 160cm, 52 kg 🙂
And, what’s the problem about keeping weight? But as I said, eat your flesh. This does not have many calories, but much important protein.
nö my favorites cost 1,19
That’s gonna be dry. It’s not different in Mensen. If your protein bars don’t cost at least 2.50 per piece, it’s usually not a sensible source.
The KH meat is so dry and does not taste me.. Protein I currently get dur protein bar I love her🥰
I eat meat at home. I like pörkölt or gulasch
Depends on what else you’re eating.
Only the 3 main meals I feed:) Uuund Coffee and Cola Zero
Three main meal times can be too much. Or too little.
Breakfast: a whole grain bread with butter and jam, Jogurella, cocoa
Lunch: about as in the photo
Dinner: ham or cheese plate, soup
Why do you just leave the best? Shame on you.
Did the only halfway nutritious good and important lie..
I don’t think that’s all in the sense in the hospital
Not good >:(