Ist das ein guter Einstieg(Cannabis)?

Ich habe vor das erste mal zu k!ffen und hab mir von nem bekannten bisschen Was geholt. Er hat mir gesagt: „Das Ballert dir richtig das Gehirn weg“ er weis aber nicht das ich noch nie gebufft habe. Würde es helfen wenn ich das Zeug mit Tabak mische weil ich will keinen bad Trip wenn das wirklich so stark ist

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1 year ago
  1. Tobacco is like an extender
  2. tobacco contains so-called “Tabak additives” that can negatively affect your high.
  3. Inexperienced consumers should not take more than one, two trains (pure) and then wait 20 – 30 minutes for the resulting effect. It is still possible to deposit; however, not if one is overdosed from the beginning.
  4. Good success, and please read “Rauschzeichen” by Wurth and Geyer as soon as possible.
1 year ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

I think the 1-2 pure trains are too much. So really too much for a starter. Otherwise well understood.

1 year ago
Reply to  Skiller1303

Can you take less than one train or get the comma wrong between “one, two trains”?

1 year ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

Thx for * (2.121)

1 year ago

Dumb is a point of view, in this subject I’m stupid. What IT or biology approaches are you stupid. Hello

1 year ago

noise sign, if you want to learn about cannabis and if you don’t want to stay stupid for 20 years…

1 year ago

Some people are really unharmed.
I saw that I’m wrong and I’m asking you for the right thing. Now you mean writing a novel with dissatisfaction instead of like a person to answers.
Hope you can be nicer.

Nice day…

1 year ago

You make yourself a monkey.
You criticize my note that one should take a maximum of 1, 2 trains as a newcomer, cannot even mention a number of 1 that could be taken pure and then come around the corner with the most unreasonable and uneconomical idea of stretching cannabis 80: 20.
In addition, there is no “Braunes” in global cannabis business.
“Braunes” is synonymous with heroin.

I don’t want to play the smart guy. Maybe you’ll learn the basics first. You can read in “Rauschzeichen” (Wurth and Geyer).

1 year ago

30,000 questions read through is difficult. So you can’t smoke brown?

1 year ago

Read about 30,000 articles on the topic here at GutFrage, then you will find answers.

No one, absolutely no one in USA or Canada would mix his grass or his hashish with tobacco.
Although a tobacco sheet is used as a sleeve for blunting, this is only used as a substitute for papers.
To make joints worse with tobacco, this is a typical German impurity born of Geiz and ignorance.

1 year ago

Well, I guess I haven’t seen anyone in my time. At least not consciousness.
How do you do that with Dope? Pure smoking becomes difficult, then only oral?

1 year ago

80% tobacco?
Are you mad to deteriorate good weed with the extender tobacco, which not only has a number of so-called “bacified additives” (Google) – but is potentially carcinogenic and a real, i.e. pure cannabis high rather distorted?

1 year ago

To two trains of an 80T/20W bag.

1 year ago

How much less than an inhalation train can you advise a beginner?

1 year ago

And I say that’s too much, what’s wrong with understanding? 😀

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

On the way: Drug use is always associated with certain risks. These risks are often particularly pronounced in childhood, where the body (incl. brain) has not yet grown and one is in the middle of puberty. It would be better to dispense with drug use during this stage of life.

When you consume, there are a few things to consider regardless of age. So you should not consume if you are not good at a physical, mental or emotional. And only in a place where you feel comfortable and undisturbed and only with people you understand.

Besides, you should always take care of this. Nobody says you have to smoke a whole joint at once. One, two trains are enough for the beginning—can even be too much. The effect then begins within minutes, but it can take well half an hour until the effects reach their full intensity.

Mixing with tobacco should be avoided. The side effects could increase.

Here you can learn more about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption:

1 year ago

Would take care of it. See My question where I was from when I was 14-15. I’d pull a maximum of 3 times and then wait, and my god will say it’s the first time for you and if he’s a friend then he won’t let you smoke the whole part. If you mean you’re not cool enough for him or so then that’s no one to be friends with, etc.

1 year ago

Don’t mix with anything!

Tobacco is more harmful to lengths than grass and contains very many carcinogenic substances etc. Furthermore, nicotine is included in the tobacco, which can make very fast and strongly dependent.

I recommend you to turn a joint of MAX 0.5g (pur(!) – so not mixed with anything) and for the first time take 1-2 trains and approx. 30min to wait to see how you’re looking for it!

1 year ago


You’re 14. Your body is only matured with 21, your brain only with 27. Both cannabis and alcohol are extremely dangerous:

THC dangerous for young people

THC, i.e. tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive substance in the hemp plant triggers a noise – and this can have fatal consequences. As a result of breeding, THC levels have increased massively in recent decades. ; “Who compares today’s substances with the harmless joints of the 1968 generation is completely wrong,” warns Wolfgang Kölfen, Vice-President of the Association of Children and Youth Doctors. Cannabis use is particularly dangerous in puberty where the brain of a large building site is the same.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ille1811

Whoever runs Copy and Paste, but is not aware of the seriousness of the posted person, in which all credibility depends, should first try to verify spelling weaknesses

THC, i.e. tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactiven Solve substance in hemp planten and this can have fatal consequences.

By the way, I would have earned this “can” a fat mark, because otherwise it seems that the (possible) consequences of cannabis use are necessarily.

1 year ago

1. No that makes it easier to build pure and smoke for it only 2 to 3 trains and wait at least half an hour

If you still like it and you think it’s too weak you can pull 3 trains again

Two. If you do not trip under the influence of cannabis trips you only have on psychedelic substances such as lsd or meskalin so you can also not have a bad trip on cannabis

1 year ago

I’d let it be. You really hurt yourself, and it’s even worse than smoking cigarettes.