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This is garkein egg liqueur, which you hold in hand is Tresterbrand -> Tresterbrand, also known as Grappa in Italy or Marc in France, is a noble drop that is extracted from the remains of winemaking.
For egg liqueurs it is possible to take the type of alcohol, grain or vodka. In the preparation of large amounts, ethanol is also consumed.
The bottle up there is therefore trester fire with an amount of dyes and preservatives. In this sense Prost
This is a special egg liqueur from Italy, where milk is additionally mixed into the mass.
See also the link:
No, there’s a lot of dye in there, as yellow as he is!
I think that has very little to nothing to do with eggs
Judging from the color alone, probably not.
Looks funny, more like carrot juice
Good egg liking is just self-made.