Ist das ein Fingerpilz?

Hallo alle miteinander!

Ich habe heute ganz viele kleine Punkte und blasen auf meinen Fingern entdeckt die jucken… man kann es auf dem Foto schwer erkennen aber man sieht es trotzdem wie uneben meine Finger ausschauen. Ich habe seit ungefähr einer Woche fußpilz vom Arzt bestätigt bekommen und dachte mir vielleicht hab ich mit den Fingern angesteckt… Ich hatte es zuvor noch nie deswegen kann meine Vermutung auch ein blödsinn sein aber ich wär echt dankbar wenn mir jemand sagen könnte was das ist oder ob das eh ganz normal ist.
Liebe Grüße😊

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8 months ago

Yep. Is he and he come from down there because you rubbed when it was aching.

But he will not be able to hold on your hands because they are seen over the day, much more dry and more hygienic than your sweaty feet, and are washed much more often than to come back to an already contaminated, moist area, such as shoes and unwashed socks.

And don’t scratch his head after that, because there he stays longer than on his hands.

8 months ago
Reply to  Carina020909

Do not touch, keep as clean as possible and perhaps even radically oppose it, with this cream, such as for the feet, or spirit on open, “cracked wounds”.

The creams that you see in advertising often don’t show much.

I also had it 2 years ago, I’m a family doctor and he prescribed me a totally viscous cream that you had to rub in labor and which I never saw in pharmacies and advertising.

It was also not a special cream that you need to mix first, but a general one from the tube.

After that, every itch was gone after 1 hour and after 4 days it was no longer evident that there was anything at all.


8 months ago

This is probably a dyshidrotic eczema that can occur with itchy bubbles on the fingers. It is harmless and no fungal disease.

8 months ago
Reply to  Carina020909

No, not contagious.