Ist das ein Bienennest?

Hallo, ich habe heute morgen unter dem Dach folgendes wie auf dem Bild zu sehen bemerkt. Sieht mir aus wie Bienen, sie bewegen sich aber nicht… Kann mir jemand sagen um was es sich dabei handelt und ob ich es wegmachen muss (wenn ja, wie)?

Vielen Dank!

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8 months ago

These are puppies, you can’t leave them yourself!

Unfortunately, you can’t recognize it exactly, but it looks more like field puppies for me, if it’s field puppies they are harmless, which the sticks don’t or If they should stick, they don’t get through the human skin. Pflanzen/insekten-und-spinnen/hautfluegler/wespen-und-hornissen/26449.html puppies

Quote Ergo-Versicherung:

Even if you are harassed by the wasps or even feel at risk due to an allergy, you cannot simply remove a wasp nest. Both puppies and their nests stand among
Nature protection. If you are caught in the destruction of a nest, you are threatened by
Fine. Depending on the type of wasp, it can be between 5,000 euros and 50,000 euros.

Request for removal

The removal or resettlement of a nest must be requested and obtain permission. But you need a good reason for that. For example, you have a view of the possibility of granting your application
allergy or if you are significantly affected by the flying neighbours in your everyday life. Contact your application
competent authority. Depending on the federal state and the municipality, these are the nature conservation authorities, the municipal administration or the state council office.

8 months ago

They’re not bees, they’re puppies.

Looks like they want to settle with you.

8 months ago

It looks like puppies.

8 months ago

Call someone who puts them somewhere else.

Check out who’s doing this at the municipal office.

8 months ago

These are WESPEN!

Can no one distinguish bees from wasps today?!

A nest cannot be seen. Either it’s behind the boards or it’s supposed to be built.