Ist das echt so schlimm?
Ich hab heute nur ein Schluck Cola light und 2 Schlucke Wasser getrunken. Bevor ich halt das Wasser getrunken hab meinte ich so: Ich muss mal was trinken weil ich ja noch nichts wirkliches getrunken hatte. Meine Mutter (eig zum Spaß) so: wieso hast du noch nichts getrunken? Und ich hab halt ja gesagt.
Meine Mutter ist dann irgendwie ein bisschen ausgeflippt. Aber wieso? Ist das wirklich so schlimm? Ich trink halt nie mehr als ein Liter am Tag (wenn überhaupt) weil ich fast nie Durst hab und dann nicht dran denke. An manchen Tagen trinke ich halt auch nichts.
F to your kidneys.
And yes, it’s bad. I’m also a wise man, but nothing to drink is life-threatening.
The body needs water to work. Especially in heat.
Look at what’s happening with the people in Greece and the Haddsh.
If you have difficulty drinking enough, prepare drinking bottles for the day (at least 2 liters in the heat). And you’ll drink them over the day.
I will. I got a bottle of 650 ml in there, but yesterday I just made halfway
What do you mean “created”? What’s wrong?
And the memory doesn’t bring anything? Then maybe do it with sound or something, so it’s getting annoyed and you really think about it?
I did. Since about 1 year
Okay, I almost thought so.
Make the following: Imagine on your alarm clock that he will show you a message every 30 minutes every day that reminds you to drink something.
With time, you may get this on your own and then you don’t need the memory anymore.
I don’t know exactly. I never remember because I never thirsty
Yeah, you’re drinking too little. I don’t know.
Too little liquid is quite unhealthy for the body. This works mainly because of and with all the liquids. If he has too little of it, everything doesn’t work so well. Detoxification does not go so round, the blood is thick and causes headache, can transport less oxygen, the body lacks nutrients etc.
1.5 – 2 liters of water should be already. With the instantaneous heat and/or physical effort also significantly more.