Ist das echt?

Hallo habe vorgestern ein Paket bei Amazon bestellt und habe dort auch meine Telefonnummer hinterlassen wenn es Komplikationen gibt.

heute morgen habe ich dann aber diese Nachricht erhalten

dort steht das mein Paket ein höheres Gewicht hat als es sein sollte und das ich 42ct zahlen soll, das habe ich jetzt gemacht und bin mir unsicher weil bei Amazon steht das es auch mit Amazon versendet wurde

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1 year ago

and I am insecure

Absolutely right, because such and similar messages are sent to millions of people as a fake, and as a result meet again and again, people who, incidentally, have ordered something wrong and then immediately fall into it. It also doesn’t look like this message comes from Amazon and UPS doesn’t write with puns.

Also on the link “German Postingspost” you can see that there are fraudsters at work who want to collect money and/or personal data.

1 year ago

Then you should also be able to find this message on Amazon’s own under messages – surely you won’t find anything.

This is a Scam/ Phishing

Why are you giving the phone number?

These are data that doesn’t do anything.

1 year ago

This is Scam. Like almost any message you receive via SMS without consenting to the use of your mobile phone number usage.

1 year ago

Help! You paid? Hopefully not about the link that those scams sent you, so on their side of the scam.

If so, leave your account immediately and change the access data, in any case talk to your bank immediately.

How can you fall in 2023?