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2 years ago

So that an O basically makes 2 bonds and a Cl basically 1 bond should be known from the first half year of chemistry teaching. This makes it clear that your formula cannot vote.

The sequence of atoms can therefore be only H-O-Cl.

Then O is in the 6th main group. Means: 6 external electrons. Of these, two are double-occupied orbitals and two binding.

Cl is in the 7th main group. So has 7 external electrons. Of these, three are then logically in double-occupied orbitals and one is simply occupied, can be binding.


In your own interest: If you notice that you lack knowledge from previous school years, get it. It won’t be better if you always try to understand new things without knowing the previous one.

2 years ago

On the basis of their positions in the periodic table. In addition, the two atoms that are constantly occurring in chemistry classes, i.e. where their properties are constantly considered.

Yeah, you have to keep your eyes open and remember in class. Learning is active Process.

2 years ago

Knowledge must be acquired, this process is called LERNEN.