Ist das der Grund, warum China eher kopiert?
China hat viele kluge Leute
Intelligenz genügt der Nachahmung, um Wissen zu extrahieren und auf andere Weise anzuwenden
Aber China mangelt es an Talenten und Innovatoren ( IQ 180+), deshalb erfinden die keine neue Gebiete.
Der Westen hatte eine riesige Anzahl von Genies und Talenten, deshalb gab es enorme Fortschritte.
I think it’s not true. There were also very gifted and famous people in China. There are also some literary works in China that really everyone knows and can partly recite from them.
You used to cope a lot. But for a few years there has been a lot of research and development in China. There are now funding institutions for research and development.
And with the patent applications alone, China is already in the first place.
It should also be borne in mind that the actual large industrialization took place in China later than in England and Germany. For this, however, China is also rapidly up to date when it comes to environmental projects, renewable energy and effective use of energy.–small-and-billig—china-baut-den-ersten-thoriumreactor–30632008.html
Even if the number of patent applications is comparedto the number of inhabitants, China is ranked 4 in the world with 1001 registrations per one million inhabitants:
Schade, dass du nicht recherchiert hast, sondern hier einfach deine Unkenntnis zur Schau stellst.
Keine Innovationen? In Sachen KI ist China ganz weit vorne.. 6G Mobilfunk befindet sich in der Testphase.. hast du über 6G in Deutschland überhaupt schon gehört?
Vielleicht ist das hier was für dich?
Und wenn ich deine Kommentare lese, meinst du es gab keine Personen vom Schlage Goethe, Kant, Newton?
Es ist nicht unbedingt deine Schuld, wenn du nichts darüber weißt – die wenigsten haben jemals von chinesischen Poeten, Philosophen (bis auf Konfuzius) oder Wissenschaftlern gehört. Hier ein paar, nach denen du selbst googlen darfst:
Hier mal ein paar englische Wikipedia links, im deutschen fehlen die Seiten.. Ein Schelm wer böses dabei denkt..
Und noch eine die es auch in deutsch gibt:
罗贯中文 wrote the famous novel “The Three Kingdoms”. Just hammer! 😊 I must read more. Once it started and found it totally exciting, but somewhat complicated with the many names 😵😅
This is simply outdated clichés
According to Wipo’s Global Innovation Index, China (placed 12, Germany ranked 10) has long since been among the innovation leaders:
The detailed report can be read online.
China is interestingly the only medium-high-wage country among innovation leaders and innovative strength at the same level as Japan, Ireland, France or Canada, and higher than Australia or Austria.
The fact that China’s innovative power is lower is an old prejudice that the Yahoo Managing Director has already claimed. It is the wishful thinking of the West to talk about keeping its lead.
The racists (as some forists here) with such views will still rub their eyes.
Unfortunately, the innovation in the West is also not based on a free spirit, but mainly on the need for money and the need for validity.
There are very free countries, but they are much less innovative than China, for example Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Australia, etc.
Also patent applications, China has registered more patents than USA, EU, Japan and South Korea together:
Even if the number of patent applications is compared to the number of inhabitants, China is ranked 4 in the world with 1001 registrations per one million inhabitants:
Someone has also spoken about chips below, the current state is:
The first 7-nanometer chips from China: Milestone at SMIC:
Chinese chip designers are no longer limited to 14/12-nm structures at the SMIC ready-to-order designer – in the meantime 7-nm components roll from the band.
This is what the USA wanted to prevent: China’s most advanced semiconductor manufacturer and FoundrySMIChas been delivering first 7-nm chips since 2021:
These are quite small and go to a niche market. Nevertheless, the core statement is the important ones: China is not as hung (in terms of chips), as the USA would like. semiconductor production-smic-madet-und-supplies-7-nm-chips/
Yes, China can’t manufacture 5nm and 3 nm chips completely itself, that’s true.
But not all industrial products need chips. For 85%-90% of industrial products that really need chips, 28nm chips are completely sufficient if I am not incorrectly informed. 28nm chips can produce China completely for many years (you can google and confirm)
Some special devices like some spiezelle sensors, cameras, etc. from different industries actually need 5nm even 3nm chips. Although these devices are very important in their respective industries, they do not play a major role in the entire industry and economy, because they are simply too special.
I was the first time in China in the middle of the 1990s and I am here for professional reasons:
The country is no longer recognizable in comparison to the time. Clean roads full of modern cars and everywhere snowy skyscrapers in the height even in the deep hinterland. If we don’t look very carefully, we’re the emerging country in a generation at the latest…
In this respect, the consequence for us is that we are reintroducing compulsory and education, education and training in STEM subjects. We need a government with a vision, but I have little hope right now. There are people like Schmidt, Kohl, Strauss and Genscher.
The Chinese are overtaking us in almost all areas, and we are discussing quotas, gender and other nonsense. J
eder, who looks a little over the edge of the plate, realizes that we can’t go on.
China has copied a lot and little researched. They lack important foundations that they have to develop. This takes at least one generation until they are actually on an eye level. Also remember the chip production.
It’s a cause. But not the only one.
But China lacks talent and innovators (IQ 180+), which is why they do not invent new areas.
I think that’s a reason.
They had no one like Goethe.
I assume that you have no idea of China and its culture and history, including the countless great thinkers and authors. The Chinese had their 1000 Goethes. …
Why do you ask if you know the answer?
By the way, China had many smart heads, both in the past and in the present.
An IQ over 180 is an absolute exception and hardly relevant. Besides, it says much less than you mean.
This is simply outdated clichés
According to Wipo’s Global Innovation Index, China (placed 12, Germany ranked 10) has long since been among the innovation leaders:
The detailed report can be read online.
China is interestingly the only medium-high-wage country among innovation leaders and innovative strength at the same level as Japan, Ireland, France or Canada, and higher than Australia or Austria.
The fact that China’s innovative power is lower is an old prejudice that the Yahoo Managing Director has already claimed. It is the wishful thinking of the West to talk about keeping its lead.
The racists with such views will still rub their eyes.
Unfortunately, the innovation in the West is also not based on a free spirit, but mainly on the need for money and the need for validity.
There are very free countries, but they are much less innovative than China, for example Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Australia, etc.
Also patent applications, China has registered more patents than USA, EU, Japan and South Korea together:
Even if the number of patent applications is comparedto the number of inhabitants, China is ranked 4 in the world with 1001 registrations per one million inhabitants:
“Is it also worth the chip production”
The first 7-nanometer chips from China: Milestone at SMIC:
Chinese chip designers are no longer limited to 14/12-nm structures at the SMIC ready-to-order designer – in the meantime 7-nm components roll from the band.
This is what the USA wanted to prevent: China’s most advanced semiconductor manufacturer and FoundrySMIChas been delivering first 7-nm chips since 2021: semiconductor production-smic-madet-und-supplies-7-nm-chips/
Yes, China can’t manufacture 5nm and 3 nm chips completely itself, that’s true.
But not all industrial products need chips. For 85%-90% of industrial products that really need chips, 28nm chips are completely sufficient if I am not incorrectly informed. 28nm chips can produce China completely for many years (you can google and confirm)
Some special devices like some spiezelle sensors, cameras, etc. from different industries actually need 5nm even 3nm chips. Although these devices are very important in their respective industries, they do not play a major role in the entire industry and economy, because they are simply too special.
I was the first time in China in the middle of the 1990s and I am here for professional reasons:
The country is no longer recognizable in comparison to the time. Clean roads full of modern cars and everywhere snowy skyscrapers in the height even in the deep hinterland. If we don’t look very carefully, we’re the emerging country in a generation at the latest…
In this respect, the consequence for us is that we are reintroducing compulsory and education, education and training in STEM subjects. We need a government with a vision, but I have little hope right now. There are people like Schmidt, Kohl, Strauss and Genscher.
The Chinese are overtaking us in almost all areas, and we are discussing quotas, gender and other nonsense.
Everyone who looks a little over the edge of the plate realizes that we can’t go on.
Another quote from the news of 7nm chips from China at Computerbase:
These are quite small and go to a niche market.Nevertheless, the core statement is the important: As suspended (in terms of chips), as the USA would like, China is not: semiconductor production-smic-madet-und-supplies-7-nm-chips/
You made the same mistake as the Amis, so now the receipt (self-built 7nm chips from China) comes for this mistake!
The exception is the one who advances progress.
Goethe, Kant, Newton etc.
I think most of the Westerners have not yet overlooked how much Chinese education, research and development has already passed us.
Terrible, in my opinion.
You can still look here in crumbs, in China you can bake cakes.
Since when you have to be an IQ of 180+ to be an innovator or talent. Just because Einstein was smart doesn’t mean the rest has to be the same. Do you think Elon Musk has an IQ of 180+?
The wars of attacks conducted by European countries such as the United Kingdom, with which China was suppressed and forced to open its markets, were an important means of accumulating Europe’s original capital, promoting European science and economic development, while they were a major disaster for the Chinese people. The history of aggression against China is definitely nothing that could make Europe tremble if there are still European values such as democracy and freedom.
I am skeptical whether the cause of China’s low spirit of invention – if this picture of China is correct at all and is not a cliché – is the lack of “genies and talents”. A culture of progress and invention is characterized by many other supporting features.
I think it’s the details that make the West innovative
That’s what happened to me spontaneously.
By the way, Japan is not an inventor. Everything stolen and adapted
Japan also lacks talents and geniuses
I think this is about the equality and suppression of the individual.
The reasons are manifold
Either genetically
Or because of the killing of many intelligent people in previous centuries, which represented a threat to politicians
This also happened in Russia
Earlier? In previous centuries?
Are you serious?
In Russia, individual talents were also promoted at times of the UDSSR. This was mainly due to lack of foreign currency and the boycott by the West.
Germany’s history itself is a very big opposite.
During the Nazi rule, the people in Germany were also suffering very much under “equipment and suppression”.
Nevertheless, there were a very large number of new inventions and Nobel laureates from Germany.
Russia also had a lot of innovations and Nobel Prize winners at the time of Soviet Union.
After the collapse of Soviet Union, however, these innovations and Nobel laureates no longer exist
There are very free countries, but they are much less innovative than China, for example Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Australia, etc.
I see it differently in Italy. The rest of the States are already incapable of holding up because of the lower population.