Ist das Chinesisch für deutsche buch gut?
Das Buch “chinesisch für deutsche” ist das gut fürs lernen von mandarin?
Hier zu finden:
Hauptargument ist da es anki Decks gibt dafür und ich anki intensiv nutze fürs lernen von Sprachen.
Wäre toll wenn es jemanden gibt der wirklich mit diesem Buch gelernt hat . Vielleicht ja mit dem buch einen uni Kurs hatte?
Vielen dank
Question is what the purpose of your project is. You definitely need learning material with audio, VIEL Audio.
Check out this app: HelloChinese
The first 14 or so lessons are completely free – and the app is fun!
If you have fun and you have arrived at the (free) end then look at SuperChinese – the app is similar, HelloChinese goes only to ~ HSK 3 and SuperChinese to HSK 6
Both apps also test your pronunciation, which is important.
To read, you’re Chinese great, but you’ll cost money again. This also goes free with Manin – with a few 100 pieces sorted by HSK (Trad/Simpl. switchable, Pinyin bleachable, MouseOver Dict., and Audio)
Links to this: – only as an app, ~EUR 60/year – only as an app, ~EUR 60/year
To read and hear: – largely free – little free, then ~EUR 60-80/year
Reading and listening is very important at Mandarin!
Ok that sounds great! I am or was uncertain about such apps- there are also in other languages
But if it is for free so good start ..mal look thank you!
If you are a beginner with a few knowledge then go HelloChinese through to nothing more free. This takes about 2 weeks since you have to finish a lesson and the next day will be unlocked. If you get bored, make SuperChinese right there. This is both HSK 1 level. There’s nothing to lose until then.
Read very simple texts without pinyin. HSK 1 will probably be a bit difficult on these websites. However, the apps also have text in the learning material, and when you click on the character you will see Pinyin.
The difference in difficulty reading and writing is felt at the characters 1:100
So I should, like you said, create 100 characters hopefully with some patience
Now I understand. listen = Chinese characters to remember (pinyin off) .That sounds like I had always ignored bad habit
Ok thank you again
At Mandarin I find it beneficial to learn the signs. Pinyin is therefore largely dazzled and only occasionally look at it. If Pinyin is present, you will automatically look at Pinyin. Pinyin is a useful tool, but unusable for reading. I realize it’s quite difficult at the beginning. If you have no experience yet – a few 100 characters you learn quite quickly. The secret is to stay. Do something every day.
I am here and I will thank you, but what about in hello chinese:
There are always pinyin and characters (you can either place or issue them).
How to proceed
Do you want to do all lessons 2x, so to speak?
Because after z.b 200 words (I know Chinese characters are always only single syllables?)
I don’t want to put it on a pinyin at once – I don’t know how to speak with the following gsnz other characters.
I had the two books at my school. They’re growing. Not suitable for self-study. The structure is also somewhat less logical from the topics. The CD with the spoken texts would also be helpful.
There are English books that are definitely better off the building.
Anki I also used. It was okay, but it wasn’t really helpful for me. I had with Pleco had created my own maps, I think. But everything as a supplement naturally does not change.
Oh, yeah. But there is the grammar book from the same publisher. This is TOP!
Chinese Grammar for German with Pinyin: A Teaching and Exercise Book with Solutions: Jinyang Zhu, Ruth Cordes: Books
But how about grammatical? I heard again and again: Chinese grammatic is not heavy – the characters are heavy and sound.
In Chinese for German – for which there are whole 2000 cards in anki – this is for me that I don’t have to put the cards again like in Arabic.
But if grammatical is so enormous in the Chinese for German it starts differently than mot longschedir (which I already have at home) just with grammatic
A rather dry book would be ok for me but I would like to learn the chinese sign – memorize piece by piece
Vlt condemned to failure but helped in Arabic. it only then helped to browse here and there in grammatical parts of the long divorced book.
Is sure to learn more implicit approach for speaking but yes
Grammar is not difficult. But there are things you have to look at best with well explained examples.
When it comes to learning the characters, I recommend HSK’s books.
I would also recommend creating a template in Excel, where you can trace the characters (different gray levels).
I’m looking at the book!
That it needs pberhsupt a book is conscious of me. Was just insecure which
Hsk I also thought I’d look again before I buy something