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2 years ago

No. In order to get cancer, it is necessary to be exposed to cancer-producing substances and they are not present in the vapor of e-cigarettes… they can be produced with massive overheating, but this then tastes so disgusting that one does not inhale it voluntarily and then it is also much less carcinogens (tobacco smoke contains around 80 of them) and also in mass much less than tobacco smoke.

Serious studies estimate the cancer risk of e-cigarettes as “nahezui not present” – “nearly” because a complete harmlessness cannot be proven.

2 years ago

No, not according to today’s knowledge. If only likes to be twisted and worn.

2 years ago

No without If and But!

2 years ago

Can’t be answered yet, as e-cigarettes are not so long on the market that you could estimate the long-term risk.
Whether you vaporize or not, you are currently part of the study. Either as a control group that controls not generally the risk of cancer – or just as a probant that evaporates.

But there are definitely more short-term problems, there are always cases of how e-cigarettes explode – not funny, because they are usually close to the face when switched on.
In addition, you will naturally get all the negative effects of nicotine, such as physical dependence, liver damage and metabolic changes.

E-cigarettes have a meaning. They’re supposed to help smokers to screw down their nicotine dose.
Whoever used them without having escape in mind, or never smoked at all, somehow misses the subject. Better leave, then don’t give a reason.

2 years ago

Some studies suggest that steaming compared to smoking tobacco has a lower risk for certain cancers such as lung cancer and oral cavity cancer.

kami1a, UserMod Light
2 years ago

Hello Arksor!

No, normal cigarettes are a lot more dangerous.

Even when smoking a cigarette, about two liters of smoke and the 40 carcinogenic substances are released.

I wish you a nice Sunday

2 years ago

What you read, yes. But there’s something in the net.

2 years ago

Minimum less, but yes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Christiangt

Especially against the background that the last 10 years have tried many scientists to prove any harmfulness and have so far failed grandiosely.