Ist da was mit meinem Handy passiert oder Daten?
Hey leute ich habe 1 E-mail bekommen in der tausend andere Emails aufgelistet waren von irgendwelche personen habe natürlich auf keins drauf geklickt aber kann da jz was passieren weil ich die Email geöffnet habe? Habe dann natürlich die E-mail geblockt und dann haben sich 2 weitere dazu mit geblockt habe jz schon bisschen angst…
Hier ist ein folgendes Bild:
It’s called spam mails. Especially for first name.Number@mail Provider.tld Addresses this is not quite unusual because these addresses are very easy to guess and spam mails are practically pre-programmed. The only thing you should do with it is unopened.
So now it’s bad I opened it?
Not directly. This triggers the reloading of images coming from external servers. This tells the spammer that your mail is actively used and you will get more. Only a lot later could this possibly go down.
I also received these mails. The fact that the mail addresses there are a bunch of iCloud Mail addresses shows on the one hand that the spammer does not have much know-how and on the other hand, a conversation can quickly arise, which you can read unintentionally. Believe me a bucking idiot actually responds to it without thinking.
As long as these mails were not in the sent folder, you only received them.
aso okay I understand, had only feared that the now have any access to my handy then I know I will decide and next time will not open any more but delete directly thank you 🥰