Ist Cottbus eine beliebte Stadt?
Kann es sein, dass sich Cottbus zum positiven entwickelt hat, sodass dort mehr Menschen leben wollen? Oder was gefällt dir an Cottbus?
Kann es sein, dass sich Cottbus zum positiven entwickelt hat, sodass dort mehr Menschen leben wollen? Oder was gefällt dir an Cottbus?
Kennt jemand einen oder ist jemand selber einer und kann aus der Sicht eines Psychopathen erzählen? Bis auf dass Sie empathielos wären weiß ich nicht viel.
Es gibt viele schöne Ecken…
Hallo, kann jemand den Einsatz der Farbe Rot in dieser Abbildung beschreiben?
Weil habe unten kein platz mehr, geht es auch oben rechts? Brauche eine für eine arbeit weil will mich bewerben
I wouldn’t say that Cottbus is a popular city, especially since many people almost don’t know it in the West. In comparison, Cottbus is rather unpopular due to the economically unfavorable situation in the deep east; I don’t have any major pull factors.
LG and beautiful day
I think it’s in sight.
Certainly, some things have become positive. Especially when looking at Cottbus from outside.
However, if you know the interior, so you are really deep in matter then you are relativized.
Park and castle Branitz, Staatstheater Cottbus, Airfield Museum Cottbus
I’m trying to make a bow to the city centre. It is really beautiful in itself when you look at the old market or the Sprem, but becomes more and more visitor unfriendly. Just because you want to park the car somewhere in a store and then drive with the Staba makes no sense, but is so wanted by the city policy.
Unfortunately, I don’t know Cottbus yet.
I’ve been in the new Länder several times and I liked it every time. I’m sure Cottbus is still here.
The fact that legal radicalism is a problem in the eastern federal states and that the quality of life is reduced does not mean that Cottbus is dominated by right-wing radicals. That would be unfair to all decent Cottbusser citizens.
When I was in Cottbus, some public buildings were decorated with rainbow flags and accompanied by the commitment to colourfulness, openness and tolerance.
Maybe it’s a sign that Cottbus needs it. But it certainly also shows that right-wing radicalism is not simply accepted.