Ist cola Zero gefährlich?
in letzter zeit trinke ich fast nurnoch cola zero. Seltener Wasser. Ist das schädlich? Esse genauso viel wie sonst und es regt auch keinen Hunger bei mir an.
mir wurde aber gesagt der Darm geht davon kaputt und der Stoffwechsel auch wegen dem aspartam. Sollte ich aufhören cola Zero zu trinken?
Hello llovbill14300,
yes, much phosphoric acid & caffeine is harmful.
The sweeteners in Cola Zero can hunger
the story with the
alleged distribution of insulin and the
allegedly following cravings
is long ago disgusted myth.
“Kaputt” is fully exaggerated. And how
sweeteners on the intestine, so that
Microbiome is still being researched.
affecting the sugar metabolism
Sweets like Aspartam are NOT.
It would be better if you weren’t
Cola Zero is drinking a glass daily
of which and the rest of water 💦 & e.g. tea,
🍅 Vegetable juice. 🥕🥕🍅
LG 🙋🏻
Is it awkward? Then I’d leave my fingers off.
I wouldn’t drink it for good reason.
This is not good in the long term.
Learn to drink water and tea again.
The kidneys thank you!
Hi, llovbill14300.
No, it’s not dangerous, I’d have to be dead.
I don’t drink Zero, but light.
Greetings, Renate.
In the end, no one knows exactly. You can say it’s not deadly. But my two thoughts:
Yes too much acid and chemicals. Water is much better