Ist Chrome Book?
Der schlimmste Laptop denn man sich holen kann ?
Der schlimmste Laptop denn man sich holen kann ?
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Hey Werte Community, war gerade in der Sbahn und wollte Musik hören, mein Handy war aus, hatte aber mein Mac mit. Bin jedoch nicht so der Profi und habe über 30min geschaut wie ich den mac zuklappen kann, sodass trdm über spotify (über Kopfhörer) musik läuft. Nix gefunden. wenn ich meine Frage bei google eingebe…
Ich würde mir gerne eine neze Maus kaufen aber bin nicht sicher welche. Sie sollte nicht mehr als 80 euro kosten und am besten mehr als 2 Seitentasten haben
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Hi, ich möchte mir einen Gaming PC kaufen & diesen an meinen Samsung Oled Fernseher anschließen, weil ich keinen Platz für einen Schreibtisch habe. Hat dies beim spielen große Nachteile auf dem Fernseher, entgegen einem Gaming Monitor?
The worst laptop will be any China device where the buttons do not work properly and that gives up the mind after a few months.
Chromebooks have a very special purpose: the Internet. It’s laptops that are just there to use the Internet. In the United States, they are relatively popular with students and students, because they work perfectly to research on the Internet and write housework in Google Documents.
Wiele people just solve everything about web apps, and this is the idea behind a Chromebook.
If you buy a Chromebook because you expect a lot of performance or that you want to have a great selection of software, then you have bought the wrong laptop, but that doesn’t make it too bad devices yet.
If you have an Android smartphone, then a Chromebook is a very good addition to it. Depending on the model (and price), you can use its Android apps, including messengers. Everything you bought or subscribed. And all apps that do not need an active Internet connection.
In addition, it is possible to download Linux programs. But here you have to know what you’re doing, because everything happens over the terminal.
There is no need to be permanently connected to the internet.
You can replace wireless files (Quick Share) or use the memory card from your smartphone in the Chromebook.
The large screen and keyboard are better suited for some tasks than the small screen of the smartphone.
Also you do not need to install drivers or the like. Simply connect devices and they are running.
Not suitable is a Chromebook for anyone who is used to Windows and want to use Windows programs on it.
As on an Android smartphone, you should also look at the settings here very well, including data protection and the Google account. There are some that is activated and collects data in the background. Especially the Chrome browser.
On Youtube you will find some videos on what you can turn off and where you can find these settings. But rather in English.
Good morning, dear,
there is not “the Chromebook” – there are zig different from different manufacturers. And no, if it fulfills the tasks that it should perform and if one takes into consideration the benefits such as the good battery life of the devices, the devices are optimal for many people.
Best regards
Chromebook is not the same as Chromebook.
All the negative properties have all the devices.
Or at least a few of them.
That’s why I say:
Not for me either. But we also just do other things that Chromebooks can’t. 🙂
Jaa, but for me, this thing would never come into question.
Unless I get that thing thrown behind for a few €.
Chromebook is not the same as Chromebook, but yet they have similarities:
The keyboard layout, the operating system and often also the size and design that are relatively similar.
I personally don’t think about Chromebooks, they’re nothing but nothing.
Are just the modern version of the Netbook. ^^
No variant that can be as much or little.
And this time, not the performance, but the operating system is the problem.
It used to be the hardware. (It was really horrible at the Netbooks)
But many applications do not run and operation…
People themselves complained about doing nothing other than surfing and writing texts. 🤷
Well, who needs it…
Well, it’s optimized to consume little electricity. Due to the fact that the parts use maximum browsers and some apps, they are not bad for office people who need to write or Calculate a lot.