Ist Check24 zuverlässig?
Habe da einen Kredit gefunden für 2.222€, 24 Ratenvon Auxmoney.
Habe auch all meine Infos angegeben (Adresse, Bankdaten, Name.) Und dieser eine Kredit von Auxmoney war der Einzige, der mir angezeigt wurde.
Ich war auch schon in einem Verifizierungscall drin über ID-NOW, habe dann aber erstmal aufgelegt.
Wenn ich den Call nochmal mache, was passiert dann? Bekomme ich das Geld dann so wie es bei check24 steht in 3- 5 Tagen oder wird es erst nochmal überprüft und dann wird es in 3-5 Tagen auf dem Konto sein?
Die Frau, die mich verifizieren wollte für die Unterschrift konnte mir auch keine Fragen zum Kredit beantworten. Sie hat nur gesagt, dass sie die ganze Verifizierungssache macht.
Die Frage ist: Ist bestätigt, dass ich den Kredit auf mein Konto(in 3- 5 Tagen) bekommen werde nach diesem Call über ID-NOW oder wird das erst nochmal überprüft?
CHECK24 only conveys the credit, Auxmoney is in your case the lender. Your details and creditworthiness will be forwarded only after you have verified, and then it will be checked if they give you the credit. CHECK24 information on the duration may vary depending on how much is to be done with them and whether documents need to be submitted. Whether you get the credit and what conditions are not yet fixed.
But at Check24 he also stated how much he deserves, then they would only have to give him offers that the credit companies are awarding at their terms or?
No, and there is also 2/3 of them getting the rate and the rate. In addition, the lender can still refuse if the creditworthiness in her eyes is not sufficient.
This is still checked by Auxmoney, Check24 will only forward your data.
Okay, but why’d I get a single loan? I also gave my specific salary and my expenses. Shouldn’t they have to give the credit immediately after the verification?
Because it’s probably the only lender that would give you a loan with the specified data. Nevertheless, Auxmoney is not obliged to decide that after his own examination. Check24 is just a comparison portal.
Of course, Check24 is serious.
Over Check24, I had my car insure, both my current and my last.
And my phone contract was completed.
You haven’t found a loan, because if you get one, check24 doesn’t know. Check24 is not the lender. Check24 doesn’t know whether your creditor is enough.
But at Check24 he also stated how much he deserves, then they would only have to give him offers that the credit companies are awarding at their terms or?
No, they’re just looking for “passing” lenders and want to collect data. Whether it comes to a degree is questionable and Check24 is completely sausage.