Ist Cannabis eine Einstiegsdroge?

Immer wieder wird behauptet, dass der Cannabiskonsum den Einstig in andere Drogen einleitet. Das ist der Hauptgrund, warum konservative Politiker gegen die Legalisierung sind.

Meiner Meinung nach ist es so, dass Cannabis, weil es verboten ist, auf dem Schwarzmarkt gehandelt wird, wo man nur zu leicht auch an andere Drogen kommt. Wenn man Cannabis in lizenzierten Läden kaufen könnte, wo es keine anderen Drogen gibt und die Qualität des Cannabis kontrolliert wäre, würden die Konsumenten auch nicht in Kontakt mit anderen Drogen kommen.

Wie ist Eure Meinung dazu? Ist Cannabis eine Einstiegsdroge, weil es verboten ist oder würde es kenen Unterschied machen, wenn es legal wäre?

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

The entry-level drug hypothesis (for a theory it has not been enough to date) is at best controversial.

The risk of transition to other “harder” drugs has been controversially debated for a long time under the heading “admission drug cannabis” but is no longer durable. Although many heroin addicts used to smoke cannabis, the inverse is wrong: only a small proportion of cannabis users is moving to other drugs in the long term.

→ Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen, 2017,

See also:Cannabis as a drug > Cannabis in entry drug hyperthesis,

The fact that individual cannabis users are experiencing a problematic consumption or that so-called harder drugs are also trying out at least once does not repeat this.

Otherwise: If cannabis acts as an entry-level drug, then insofar as one is criminalized for handling and one has to do with procurement with dealers.

Cannabis would therefore be the entry into criminality because it is possible to criminalise a comparatively (i.e., in comparison with other criminal activities which, unlike the use of cannabis, are the damage of third parties) in a harmless way. This can make the understanding of what it means to make itself punishable and what it means to adhere to laws. It can also soften confidence in the state and its institutions.

Apart from that, as you already say, cannabis is, under certain circumstances, for some (but far from all) the entry into other drugs, namely the other and sometimes “harder” drugs that this dealer offers, to which one might not have direct contact under legal conditions and which it definitely does not in a licensed cannabis business.

I don’t think it can effectively prevent people from taking drugs, and you don’t have to. Instead, we should make the stagnant consumption as safe as possible by providing clean goods. It’s about Drug mouth.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Gegsoft

Thanks very much ⭐

1 year ago

I think cannabis can be a drug. Often it is claimed that it is not harmful. However, in many I know, I am 12 that those who have already started with 13 today have massive problems with memory.

Of course, now the question is it a drug only because it is illegal and is not so socially established?

for example alcohol and tobacco products are also a drug but legal. And some are also left from smoking to smoke. So there may be some of the tricky to others. I know from my own experience that for me it was the beginning with

1 year ago

That may be an aspect. But another one is that every drug leaves its effect in continuous use. In the case of the alcohol, more is drunk. In the case of cannabis, only too often is changed to stronger.

1 year ago

Know many guys who are almost broken now because of drugs, all of them were cannabis entry drug.

Many have long since died because of overdose with hard drugs and with all cannabis was entry drug.

Also know some types that started with cannabis and then went over to hard drug, were drug addicted(sometimes even 10 years and longer) and still managed to stop using drugs, but there isn’t much of them, because it’s too hard to stop with drugs.

So,but don’t start acuh with cannabis,so to say,just try for fun par time.

1 year ago
Reply to  derdeidas

1 year ago
Reply to  Gegsoft

Even with me, something similar (not 40 years, clearly less) was simply stopped.

I mean only a few to make

just so stop,at least not all I know or knew person(because they are already dead)

1 year ago
Reply to  derdeidas

It may be that most people consume the hard drugs at some point are beginning with cannabis, but most cannabis users have never tried other drugs.

1 year ago

This is not a simple question, just as even the matter with drugs is not easy.

I do not think that this question can be answered in such a way.

1 year ago

It can be that many people have started using hard drugs sometime with cannabis. However, most cannabis consumers have never tried any other drugs. I consume cannabis occasionally, but I never thought to try any other drugs. No one could talk to me. I haven’t even been drinking a drop of alcohol for three years and don’t smoke cigarettes. Even cannabis I only consume as Edibles and never smoked it. I care about my health.

1 year ago

23% of all adult Germans have already consumed cannabis, but not even 1% consumes hard drugs. The conclusion that someone who once consumes cannabis will probably start to consume other drugs is not given so now. I guess after a legalization, it wouldn’t change.

1 year ago

No, this myth has long been degenerated, scientifically.

1 year ago

Cannabis is not an entry drug that has been refuted over 30 years ago (!), but old-fashioned parties still stick to it drug%3F,take%20no%20other%20illegal%20drugs. drug drug/

All the drugs I’ve tried, I’ve tried in the alcoholized state, just on the edge

1 year ago

Absolutely no entry-level drug

1 year ago

It’s an entry drug.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tiffanylegtlos

Incorrect, cannabis is not considered as an entry drug in science.

1 year ago
Reply to  xVTSx

True, but as the questioner writes, cannabis could also easily get to other drugs.

1 year ago

It may be that the prohibition favours contact with other illegal drugs for cannabis users. However, this does not make cannabis an entry-level drug, but rather is a criticism of the existing drug policy regarding the use of cannabis.