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A single food is never healthy or unhealthy. Only the Total a diet. If you all required nutrients sufficient and not too much, your diet is healthy – whether you eat buttermilk or yogurt or not.
ok, let’s get aside the health aspect, I’m actually about which of both the regular consumption of the skin is particularly good
The skin is particularly beneficial if you are adequately supplied with all required nutrients. It doesn’t matter if you eat buttermilk or yogurt or none of them.
Important for a beautiful skin
Eating buttermilk or yogurt has no influence on your skin. I know you want to hear something like “Iss daily 500 g XY, then you get beautiful skin” – but unfortunately it’s not like that.
Sicher nicht:
In sunscreen creams with the factor 50 should contain cortisone?
My tattooer recommended buttermilk because it should make the skin more elastic. I don’t know if there’s anything. I hate buttermilk!